中等教育研究紀要 63 号
2017-03-31 発行

対立をこえるための公民科授業の構想 : 哲学の自然主義的転回をふまえた公民科授業への「感情」の導入

Citizenship Lessons to Solve Conflicts: Including “Emotions” in Citizenship Lessons Based on Naturalistic Perspectives of Philosophy
2.51 MB
New knowledge about human value judgments and decision making has been obtained by the growth in research on naturalistic perspectives of philosophy. This field incorporates the results of natural sciences such as neuroscience and cognitive science. These findings also provide suggestions for solutions to current conflicts worldwide. Based on these studies, we introduced a problem detailing “emotions” into citizenship lessons and implemented practical research by envisioning a lesson on how to make value judgments. As a result, recommendations are proposed to further develop value recognition in lessons.