広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 67
published_at 2018-12-21


Effect of Reflective Feedback on Japanese Junior College Students’ English Writing Skills
Nakagawa Hiroyo
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This study aims to clarify the eff ect of reflective feedback by teachers on Japanese junior college students’ English writing skills. Since the 1980s, feedback studies have been conducted in the second-language writing and acquisition fields. However, there are no conclusive fi ndings regarding what kind of feedback is the most suitable, how it should be used, and when it should be provided for specific groups of students. In addition, affective factors such as students’ willingness to receive feedback have not yet been investigated sufficiently. Thus, a teacher provided feedback to promote students’ reflection on their English writing. Reflective feedback is defi ned here as “teachers’ feedback to promote students’ self-reflection.” After receiving reflective feedback from their teacher, 17 Japanese junior college students revised their paragraphs and reflected on their English writing abilities. After receiving their teacher’s reflective feedback, the students planned approaches to learning, chose writing strategies, and achieved their long-term goals. The results indicate that the students became aware of their writing problems, reduced their anxiety, and developed autonomy. In addition, less-proficient writers improved their overall paragraph structures. Therefore, despite the small sample size, this study seems to have succeeded in evaluating the effects of reflective feedback on students’ English writing skills.
reflective feedback
English writing
junior college students