広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域
66 号
2017-12-22 発行
ISSN : 1346-5554
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
PP. 1 - 8
Developing Web Clicker System to Support Classes Using Raspberry Pi
吉冨 健一 朝倉 一晃 妹尾 息吹
PP. 9 - 16
Developing a Learning Material to Understand and Explore Solar Eclipses as a STEM Topic
寺垣内 政一 北䑓 如法 斎藤 敏夫 山本 亮介
PP. 17 - 24
Training to Improve Teaching Skill on Measurement and Control Technology Education for Industrial Education Teachers at Technical High Schools
川田 和男 大西 義浩 山本 透
PP. 25 - 32
Effects of a Processed Groove in the Surface of Lumber for Sawing by Handsaw: Effect of a Groove, Visibility and Cutting Area in Cross Cutting
木村 彰孝 黒岩 剛太郎 倉元 賢一
PP. 33 - 39
How to Visualize the Work of Historical Understanding and Thinking: Introductory History Lesson “Morning Glory Boom in the Edo Period” with Thinking Tools
草原 和博 兒玉 泰輔 山本 稜 吉川 友則 茂松 郁弥 河原 洸亮
PP. 41 - 50
The Life Courses about Foreign Workers in Hiroshima City
由井 義通 佟 亜斎娜
PP. 51 - 58
Characteristics of Irrigation of Reclaimed Land in the Early 19th Century on Fan Tableland: A Case of Kashobara, Southern Part of Saijo Basin, Central Hiroshima, SW Japan
PP. 59 - 66
University-affiliated School Teachers Analyze their own Practical Student Teaching Instruction: How to Ensure Better Practical Student Teaching Instruction
PP. 67 - 74
The “Author Concept” and Knowledge of Expository Texts: The Case of Expository Texts about Natural Science in Elementary Schools
正木 友則
PP. 75 - 82
Exploring the Idea for Close Reading and Visualization of the Novel Based on the Analysis of the Booklet After the Bomb: Brother in the Land and Wider Reading
松岡 礼子
PP. 83 - 92
Assessment and Instruction of Critical Reading in Expository Text: Practice for First-year Students at Junior High School
村井 隆人
PP. 93 - 102
Analysis of Paragraph Writing Tasks in Japanese High School English and College English Writing Textbooks
仲川 浩世
PP. 103 - 110
What Information do Japanese Learners Pay Attention to When Listening: An Experimental Analysis through Instruction Manipulation and Eye-tracking during Reading
松見 法男 徐 婕 徐 暢 柳本 大地
PP. 111 - 118
What Information Do Japanese Learners Pay Attention to When Reading: An Experimental Analysis on Eye-tracking during Oral Reading
松見 法男 王 校偉 ジャ ブルブル 柳本 大地
PP. 119 - 127
The Relationship between Japanese Compliments and Discourse Development: Analysis of Tester’s Compliments in Dialogic Language Assessment
PP. 129 - 135
Investigating the Factors Affecting the Comprehension of Metaphors by Native Japanese Speakers: From the Perspective of Working Memory and Phonological Short-term Memory
ジャ ブルブル
PP. 137 - 146
Effects of Note-taking on the Listening Comprehension of Japanese Sentences by Advanced Chinese Learners of Japanese: Manipulating Working Memory Span and Language Type Used for Note-taking
徐 暢
PP. 147 - 154
Processing of Japanese Kanji Words by Vietnamese Learners of Japanese: The Effect of Kanji Consistency and Phonological Similarities in a Naming Task
長野 真澄
PP. 165 - 173
Evaluation Behavior toward Essays by Chinese Learners of Japanese: A Comparison between Native Japanese-speaking Teachers and Native Chinese-speaking Teachers by Means of Protocol Analysis
方 正
PP. 175 - 184
The Comparison of the Resultant-State Verb Forms in Japanese and Korean
PP. 185 - 194
The Effect of the Difference in Time Length of Consciousness Keeping the Lean Position in the Acceleration Phase of 100m Sprint on Forward Angle, Running Velocity, Stride Frequency, and Stride Length
足立 達也
PP. 195 - 201
Effect of Students’ Reflection on their Teaching Practice Experiences: Discussions during Case Conferences in Teaching Practice
川口 諒 中川 麻衣子 前田 一篤 齊藤 一彦
PP. 203 - 212
The Effect of Communication with Parents on Relationships and Marriage on the Marital Views of University Students
今川 真治
PP. 213 - 222
Influence of Family Relationships on Local Orientation in Job Hunting by University Students
横田 明子
PP. 223 - 230
Die Eigenschaften der Violinspieltechnik von C. Flesch: den Schwerpunkt auf „die künstlerische Gestaltung“ legend
PP. 231 - 239
Characteristics of Theater Pieces in Minao Shibata’s Later Works: Focusing on the “New Series of Theater Pieces”
PP. 241 - 250
The South Song Dynasty Edition of the Buddhist Canon(宋版一切経) Which Became Original Text of Kasuga Prints(春日版) the Five Mahayana Sutras(五部大乗経)(3): Comparison in Shakuon(釋音), and the difference with Sung edition
PP. 260 - 252