19 巻
1996 発行
PRINT ISSN : 0386-3565
ONLINE ISSN : 2434-9135
発行元 : 広島大学平和センター
A world of regional subsystems? : Some results of a research project by the Copenhagen Research Group
デ・ウィルド ジャープ
PP. 1 - 34
SPF's Commitment in APEC: Approaching the Asia-Pacific Regional Cooperation
PP. 35 - 51
The origins and evolution of the good neighbor policy : An historiographical overview
上村 直樹
PP. 53 - 72
A study on Chinese anti-war culture during Sino-Japanese War as seen through the organization and the activities of Cultural Maneuver Committee
小林 文男 柴田 巌
PP. 73 - 92
Legal questions of paying the post-war compensation to individual victims of the Japanese military sexual slavery, or the so-called 'Military Comfort-Women'
小寺 初世子
PP. 93 - 117
Interview with Heiichi Fujii
舟橋 喜恵
PP. 119 - 149
A collaborative experiment of British university education in the 90's : A new possibillity of adult continuing education in the UK (No. 7)
姉崎 洋一 左口 真朗 田村 佳子
PP. 151 - 187
Nested Language Conflict : Assimilation vs Differentiation <Research Note>
松尾 雅嗣
PP. 189 - 203