Hiroshima Peace Science
Volume 11
Date of Issue:1988
current number
PRINT ISSN : 0386-3565
ONLINE ISSN : 2434-9135
Publisher : The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University
Proclamation of the independence of the State of Palestine and the prospect for peace in the Middle East
Oishi Yuji
PP. 1 - 12
Democratization in the third world : From the world-system and social movement perspective
Satow Yukio
PP. 13 - 53
Failure of education reform : The education council and 'China incident'・'Great east asian war'
Mori Yuji
PP. 55 - 77
The concept of 'technology' in the theory of technology transfer : With special reference to the case of an electric appliance manufacturer in Indonesia
Takehana Seiji
PP. 79 - 132
The Japanese version of PRINSE, a simple retrieval system for peace research documents
Matsuo Masatsugu
PP. 133 - 150