18 巻
1995 発行
PRINT ISSN : 0386-3565
ONLINE ISSN : 2434-9135
発行元 : 広島大学平和センター
Peace studies in the 21st century and the contribution of Hiroshima
鈴木 佑司
PP. 1 - 24
Hiroshima : Symbol of the past ; Hope for the future
サミー ラルフ
PP. 25 - 44
The U.S. state department and the reciprocal trade policy during the great depression era : Paradox in the idea of world peace through economic prosperity
鹿野 忠生
PP. 45 - 85
Abolishment of extraterritoriality' and 'maintenance of public peace' : A study on 'continuation' before and after the Manchurian incident
PP. 87 - 111
Papua New Guinea's affiliation to APEC : Pursuit of Asia-Pacific diplomacy
PP. 113 - 129
National minorities and state border : A typology
松尾 雅嗣
PP. 131 - 143
The fourth WorId Conference on Women (FWCW = Beijing Conference) and the advancement of the status of women
小寺 初世子
PP. 145 - 166
The challenge of employee development learning programme in workplace learning (No.2) : A new possibility of adult continuing education in the U.K. (No.6)
姉崎 洋一 左口 真朗 田村 佳子
PP. 167 - 208
Memoir on self-reliant change of Thai village <Research Note>
竹内 常善
PP. 209 - 228
Searching for alternative perspective toward world politics : Mary Kaldor, The Imaginary War : Understanding the East- West Conflict <Book Review>
澤田 眞治
PP. 229 - 243