20 巻
1997 発行
PRINT ISSN : 0386-3565
ONLINE ISSN : 2434-9135
発行元 : 広島大学平和センター
ODA and national interests : ODA as political instruments and it's implications
吉田 晴彦
PP. 1 - 23
Globalization, cultural politics and identity politics
澤田 眞治
PP. 25 - 60
Japan's role in the North Korean 'soft landing'
ヒューズ クリストファー
PP. 61 - 84
Establishment of investment-related laws by the Chinese government in 1986 : Transformation of vested interests by foreign direct investment
下野 寿子
PP. 85 - 107
The recognition of Asia : As the fundamental factor for mutualism and development
PP. 109 - 125
Transcultural education at the university level : Overcoming 'ibunka' in self
倉地 暁美
PP. 127 - 147
Developing a lesson plan for teaching social issues in history : Unit 'The relationship between international peace and article 9 of the Japanese constitution : A historical perspective'
池野 範男 阿部 博貴 岡崎 誠司 小川 真理子 小野 順子 小林 理映 藤瀬 泰司 宮兼 和公子 宮崎 修子 三好 勝美
PP. 149 - 173
A collaborative experiment of British university adult education in the 90's (2) : A new possibillity of adult continuing education in the UK (No. 8)
姉崎 洋一 田村 佳子 佐口 眞朗
PP. 175 - 214
Peace studies in colleges and universities in Japan : A second general survey
岡本 三夫
PP. 215 - 274
The first conference against atomic bombs : An interview with Mr. Heiichi Fujii
船橋 喜恵
PP. 275 - 306
Treaties, which Japan concluded with foreign states, and Japan : Reflecting on the legal effects of those treaties in Japan as Japanese domestic laws
小寺 初世子
PP. 307 - 326
PP. 351 - 365