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Hiroshima Peace Science
Volume 20
Date of Issue:1997
current number
The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University
ODAと国益 : 政治的道具としてのODAとその意味
ODA and national interests : ODA as political instruments and it's implications
Yoshida Haruhiko
PP. 1 - 23
Globalization, cultural politics and identity politics
Sawada Sinji
PP. 25 - 60
Japan's role in the North Korean 'soft landing'
Hughes Christopher
PP. 61 - 84
1986年における中国政府の投資環境整備 : 外資導入による既得権益構造の変容
Establishment of investment-related laws by the Chinese government in 1986 : Transformation of vested interests by foreign direct investment
Shimono Hisako
PP. 85 - 107
アジアについての認識 : 共生・開発援助の基礎として
The recognition of Asia : As the fundamental factor for mutualism and development
Murakami Toshifumi
PP. 109 - 125
大学での異文化間教育 : 内なる異文化の克服と共生の視座から高校社会問題史教授プランの開発
Transcultural education at the university level : Overcoming 'ibunka' in self
Kurachi Akemi
PP. 127 - 147
高校社会問題史教授プランの開発 : 単元「国際平和を考える-憲法解釈の歴史的変遷を通して」
Developing a lesson plan for teaching social issues in history : Unit 'The relationship between international peace and article 9 of the Japanese constitution : A historical perspective'
Ikeno Norio
Anbe Hirotaka
Okazaki Seiji
Ogawa Mariko
Ono Junko
Kobayashi Rie
Fujise Taiji
Miyakane Wakiko
Miyazaki Shuko
Miyoshi Katsumi
PP. 149 - 173
90年代の大学成人教育の協働的実験とその課題(2) : イギリス成人教育の新しい可能性 その8
A collaborative experiment of British university adult education in the 90's (2) : A new possibillity of adult continuing education in the UK (No. 8)
Anezaki Yoichi
Saguchi Masaaki
Tamura Keiko
PP. 175 - 214
Peace studies in colleges and universities in Japan : A second general survey
Okamoto Mitsuo
PP. 215 - 274
原水爆禁止世界大会「第一回」 : 藤居平一氏に聞く
The first conference against atomic bombs : An interview with Mr. Heiichi Fujii
Funahashi Yoshie
PP. 275 - 306
条約と日本 : 条約の国内法としての効力を考える
Treaties, which Japan concluded with foreign states, and Japan : Reflecting on the legal effects of those treaties in Japan as Japanese domestic laws
Kodera Sayoko
PP. 307 - 326
The Pacific island countries in Asia-Pacific regional frameworks : Retrospect and prospect
Ogashiwa Yoko
PP. 327 - 349
A petition on nuclear policy of Japanese government
Shono Naomi
Anzai Ikuro
PP. 351 - 365
The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University