For a long time, during and even after the end of the World War 11, ordinary Japanese citizens did not at all know of that shameful institution called 'Military Comfort-Women (Juugun Ianfu in Japanese)'. Quite recently, however, we have come to hear about this institution and was rather shocked by what the Japanese Imperial Army did to those individual victims of various nationalities. In this paper, however, only the case of Korean victims of Japanese military sexual slavery will be dealt with. This shameful institution of former Japanese Army was taken up by the U. N. Commision on Human Rights, which appointed Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy as the special rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, in 1994. In one of her reports submitted in 1995, 'Report on the Mission to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea and Japan on the Issue of Military Sexal Slavery in War Time (E/CN. 4/1995/53/Add. I)', she recommended Japanese Goverment to pay compensation to those individual victims. But the Japanese Goverment refused it and instead of paying compensation, it proposed to pay #2,000,000 from civilian fund to each of the victims which most victims are rejecting to receive. This paper is divided into five sectons; in the Introductory section, the writer exlains the theme and scope to be dealt with in this paper; in the first Chapter, the word 'Juugun Ianfu' or the military comfort-women' is defined; in the second Chapter, the question of how the issue of paying the compensation has come to be a social problem has been studied; and in the third Chapter, some legal questions concerning the payment of the post-war compensation to the former comfort-women are discussed, while in the final Chapter, the writer's personal desire for addiging some humanitarian view-points in solving these complicated legal problems is stated briefly.