Conflictual perceptions of interactional discourse impact the nature of group dynamics. Two recent studies examined the nature of discourses in two different workplace settings; a PreK-12 educational context and a research institute. Findings of both studies suggest that dominant discourses can be managed by promoting more balanced interactions within groups working together through the development of shared understandings of cultural perspectives. The first study (Study A) analyzed conflictual perceptions of power relations in the workplace based on in-depth interviews with participants from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Based on audio-recorded and transcribed interview data, perceptions of power relations among workers were examined and identified. An analysis of the interview data revealed that participants from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds perceived what constitutes power in interactions quite differently. The second study (Study B) analyzed conflictual perceptions of student-centred discourse in the classroom based on in-depth interviews with teachers from different organizational contexts. An analysis of the interview data revealed that teachers with experiences in schools with varying organizational cultures perceived student-centred discourse quite differently. Findings of both studies suggest that improved interactional competence could impact the nature of the discourse.