音楽文化教育学研究紀要 Issue 27
published_at 2015-03-20


Relationship between Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Support and Students’ Motivation in Music Classes
Beppu Yuko
508 KB
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between students’ perception of teacher support and students’ motivation in music classes. I conducted a questionnaire survey among 105 undergraduate and graduate students based on self-determination theory. The participants answered questionnaire items related to music classes when they were at junior high school. Factor analysis revealed two factors related to students’ perception of teacher support: support of relatedness and autonomy; and setting high value on learning music. The support of relatedness and autonomy had an effect on all types of students in music classes. By contrast, setting high value on learning music had a greater effect on students motivated by external, introjected or intrinsic regulation than those motivated by identified regulation. Therefore, depending on the autonomous level of their students, teachers should choose the more effective approach.