音楽文化教育学研究紀要 Issue 27
published_at 2015-03-20

小学校音楽科教科書における創作活動のねらいとその変遷 : 平成元年以降に着目して

Aims and Changes Related to Music Making in Elementary School Music Textbooks after 1990
Okazaki Ai
617 KB
The purpose of this study was to clarify the aims of music making as defined in elementary school textbooks published in Japan in 1992, 2002, and 2011 and to trace the historical changes in the textbooks’ contents. From this analysis, two facets emerged. First, two goals appeared in the textbooks with regard to music making: that of establishing music-making objectives, such as developing musical skills and musical appreciation; and that of experiencing the actual activity of making music. Second, the emphasis today is on the latter―experience-oriented music making as a goal.