学習開発学研究 10 号
2017-03-16 発行

好意的性差別意識と性役割意識との関連 : パターナリズム/マターナリズム・ジェンダー差異・異性愛重視の3要素に着目して

Benevolent Sexism and Gender-Role Consciousness : Focusing on: Paternalism/ Maternalism, Complementary Gender Differentiation and Heterosexual Intimacy
吉岡 真梨子
1.9 MB
The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between benevolent sexism and gender-role consciousness. This study focused on the three sources of benevolent sexism: paternalism/maternalism, complementary gender differentiation, and heterosexual intimacy. Forty university students completed a questionnaire which consists of benevolent sexism (ASI: Ambivalent Sexism Inventory or AMI: Ambivalent toward Men Inventory) and gender-role consciousness (M-H-F Scale). The main results were as follows: (1) Masculinity promoted benevolent sexism in both of male and female; (2) There was no influence of gender-role consciousness on complementary gender differentiation of men nor maternalism of female; (3) However, I found that the reliability of the three sources of ASI or AMI by α coefficients was low.
Benevolent Sexism
Gender-Role Consciousness
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