7 号
2019-03-31 発行
ISSN : 2187-6800
発行元 : 初等教育カリキュラム学会
Cross-curricular Teaching of Statistics in Primary Education: Focusing on Statistical Investigation
大谷 洋貴 五十嵐 敏文
PP. 1 - 14
Developing a pupil’s decision-making skills in ball games: Improving Pupil Performance in Physical Education in Elementary Schools Focusing on Statistical Investigation
PP. 15 - 30
Relationships between Curriculum Management and Active Learning in the Elementary School Curriculum: Identified by Collating Data for Different Schools
中田 正弘 町支 大祐
PP. 31 - 40
The Role of Leaders in a Design and Construct Unit for Learners: Focusing on the Study of Literary Texts
中村 暢
PP. 41 - 54
Use of Programming within the Music Departments of Elementary Schools: From Theory to Practice
PP. 55 - 67
Reading Picture Books in Elementary School: Defining Links Between the National Language Department and the Course of Drawing and Handicraft
PP. 69 - 84
Social Development of Children in Elementary and Junior High-School: An Assessment Based on Questionnaires and Episode Recordings by Teachers
若松 美沙 若松 昭彦
PP. 85 - 95
Theories of Transformation and Social Background in the Living Environment Studies Curriculum: Focusing on the Home -Life Environments of Children
渡邉 巧 白井 克尚 村井 大介 岡田 了祐
PP. 97 - 109
Class Structure for Elementary Social Studies in an Advanced Information Society: Based on the Saitama Prefectural Government’s initiative which utilizes a Honda Safety Map
神野 幸隆
PP. 111 - 122
The View of Children in the “Revisions of the Course of Study for Elementary Schools: Arts and Crafts Edition”: Analysis of Versions Heisei 20 and Heisei 29
新井 馨 池田 吏志 会田 憧夢 黒坂 大樹 加藤 宇章 縄田 真依子 佛崎 はる菜
PP. 123 - 133
Characteristics of Modern Techniques in Art Education: Exploring the development of children’s expression through a workshop for elementary school students
小室 明久 笠原 広一
PP. 135 - 145
岡本 徹 川西 正行 徳永 隆治 久保 研二 米沢 崇
PP. 147 - 149