学校教育実践学研究 Volume 17
published_at 2011-03-20

小学校における指導と一体化した評価問題の開発 : 国語科・社会科を事例として

A Study on the Development of Evaluation Test for the Making Use of Teacher's Guidance in Elementary School : on the Case of Japanese Language and Social Studies
Hidaka Yuko
Okubo Tomoka
813 KB
The aim of this paper is to report on the lesson plan and evaluation test for the making use of teacher's guidance to built the abilities of thinking, judgment and expression in the elementary Japanese language and social studies developed by graduate students. The basic idea for development of evaluation test is the following three.

1) It is important that the evaluation test is unified the teacher's guidance in the unit lesson plan.

2) In the lesson, teacher need to prepare the scene for thinking, judgment and expression by children.

3) On the development of evaluation test, it is important to unify the following four evaluation criteriions. That is "interest, will and attitude", "thinking, judgment and expression", "skill" and "knowledge and understanding".