学校教育実践学研究 17 巻
2011-03-20 発行


Critical Examination of a Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy for the Development of Art Education Curriculum
大和 浩子
中島 敦夫
吉川 和生
810 KB
This paper is aimed at developing Art Education Taxonomy Table through critically examining a revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives contrived by Anderson and Krathwohl. First, the overview of the history of Bloom's Taxonomy is provided in relation to art education. Second, the influence of Bloom's theory of educational evaluation and Taxonomy on the classroom practice of art education in Japan is discussed. Third, aiming at using for the development of art education curriculum at Mihara Elementary School and Junior High School attached to Hiroshima University, Art Education Taxonomy Table is constructed and its characteristics are specified in relation to the research theme of Mihara Educational Institution.