In order to evaluate delayed effects of radiation on pathological immune response an attempt was made to detect antibodies in the serum of atomic bomb survivors against kidney, liver, and parietal cells from rats. The following results were observed.
Analysis of changes in antibody detection frequencies by age and exposure dose without considering sex showed that the rates for those exposed to 100 + rad showed a trend to increase with age for all three organs (P<0.01). However, in the 0 rad group, a significant trend to increase with age was noted for anti-kidney and antiliver antibodies only (P<0.01 for both).
Analysis of changes in antibody detection frequencies by sex, age, and exposure dose showed that the detection frequencies increased significantly with age for all three organs in males exposed to 100 + rad (P < 0.05), but only the anti-liver antibody frequency increased significantly with age in males in the O rad exposure group. Females failed to shown any statistical changes in any exposure group.