Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences Volume 31 Issue 2
published_at 1982-06-10

Natural History of Disease in Atomic Bomb Exposed Twins in Hiroshima : Findings of Chest X-Ray and Electrocardiogram

原爆被爆双生児の疾病自然史に関する研究 : 心・肺 X 線と心電図所見について
Satow Yukio
Ohmae Kiyokazu
Okamoto Naomasa
Abe Tsutomu
Watanabe Shoji
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The subjects of this study are mainly pairs of monozygotic twins, one of whom was exposed to the atomic bomb and the other not exposed, and the natural history of the diseases of these twins was analyzed to find out genetic and environmental factors of the diseases and some biological effect of the atomic bomb exposure or other. In this study, 13 pairs of monozygotic and 5 pairs of dizygotic twins and other 34 cases of non-twins were examined by means of heart and lung X-ray films and electrocardiograms. The results suggest that most of the monozygotic twins show the similar findings of chest X-ray films, though their electrocardiograms have a tendency to deviate to the left in the QRS axis. These findings will not be enough to clear up the relation between the atomic bomb exposed and the abnormal electrocardiograms.
This study has been supported by the Fund of Ministry of Welfare and the Radiation Effects Association of Japan.
Chest X-ray
Atomic bombed twin
Left axis deviation