広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 54
published_at 2006-03-28

ショパン作曲<スケルツォIV ホ長調 作品54>の音楽的表象の図式的表現

A schematic illustration of musical representation in F.Chopin's Scherzo IV Op.54
Kusama Machiko
3.12 MB
The pianist plays the piano using his or her own musical representation, listening attitude of the mind and performing technique. The musical representation is considered as a source of piano performance. The function of the musical representation is exercised in perfecting technique and internal listening. The object of instruction in the piano performance can be found in developing the student's musical representation. The purpose of this study was to present a schematic illustration of musical representation in F.Chopin's Scherzo ⅣOp.54 In addition, the effectiveness of this method was discussed.
スケルツォIV ホ長調 作品54
Chopin Scherzo IV Op.54
musical representation