広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 54 号
2006-03-28 発行

我が国における一般成人の科学的リテラシー測定に関する一考察 : ミラーの3構成次元モデルにおける妥当性の検討

An Examination of the Measurement in Civic Scientific Literacy of Japanese Adult: An Examination of the Validity of Miller's 3-dimension Model
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The purpose of this study is to examine the validity of the three - dimension measurement model of civic scientific literacy. The construct and the predictive validity of the model were estimated by the confirmatory factor analysis and the chi-square analysis. The result of the confirmatory analysis presented the sufficient correlation between the measurement items and 3 constructs (understanding of basic science knowledge and concepts, understanding of scientific process, and understanding of social impact of science). In addition, the chi-square analysis present that each of these construct variables will differentiate the level of the commitment to scientific information. Therefore, the study conclude that the measurement model will satisfy the measurement of the scientific literacy.
Civic scientific literacy
Miller's 3-dimension model
Construct validity
Predictive Validity