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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
57 巻
( 2018-12-25 )
56 巻
( 2017-12-15 )
55 巻
( 2016-12-25 )
54 巻
( 2015-12-25 )
53 巻
( 2014-12-25 )
52 巻
( 2013-12-25 )
51 巻
( 2012-12-24 )
50 巻
( 2011-12-24 )
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( 2010-12-24 )
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( 2009-12-25 )
47 巻
( 2008-12-20 )
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( 2007-12-20 )
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( 2006-12-20 )
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( 2005-11-22 )
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( 2003-11-30 )
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( 2002-10-20 )
生物圏科学 : 広島大学大学院生物圏科学研究科紀要
57 巻
( 2018-12-25 )
Reports of Studies supported by Grant-in-Aid for Research from the Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
細野 賢治
岩本 洋子
PP. 63 - 67
56 巻
( 2017-12-15 )
A rare infection of Ceratothoa verrucosa (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) on red seabream, Pagrus major, cultured in central Japan
Nagasawa Kazuya
Tanaka Shinji
PP. 1 - 5
Chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus (Perciformes: Scombridae), a new host record for Nerocila phaiopleura (Isopoda: Cymothoidae)
Nagasawa Kazuya
Nakao Hiroki
PP. 7 - 11
Two species of copepods, Lernanthropus atrox and Hatschekia pagrosomi, parasitic on crimson seabream, Evynnis tumifrons, in Hiroshima Bay, western Japan
広島湾産チダイに寄生していたカイアシ類2種, タイノヒトガタムシとマダイノエラノミ
Nagasawa Kazuya
PP. 13 - 21
東広島市におけるミカドケナガノミ Chaetopsylla mikado の初記録
A new record of Chaetopsylla mikado from Higashi-Hiroshima city, Hiroshima Prefecture
新田 理人
PP. 23 - 26
大島新曽根で採集されたトヨシオマリヒトデ Podosphaeraster toyoshiomaruae の行動観察
An observation of the walking behavior of Podosphaeraster toyoshiomaruae collected from the bank Oshima-shinsone, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
米谷 まり
飯田 健
藤 太稀
平野 勝士
近藤 裕介
大塚 攻
中口 和光
山口 修平
加藤 幹雄
広瀬 雅人
藤田 敏彦
PP. 27 - 32
A revised and updated checklist of the parasites of eels (Anguilla spp.) (Anguilliformes: Anguillidae) in Japan (1915-2017)
Nagasawa Kazuya
Katahira Hirotaka
PP. 33 - 69
A synopsis of the parasites of medaka (Oryzias latipes) of Japan (1929-2017)
Nagasawa Kazuya
PP. 71 - 85
A checklist of copepods of the family Pandaridae (Siphonostomatoida) from fishes in Japanese waters (1898-2017)
長澤 和也
上野 大輔
PP. 87 - 104
日本に定着したサンフィッシュ科魚類3種(ブルーギル,オオクチバス, コクチバス)の寄生虫目録(1962-2017年)
A checklist of the parasites of three species of centrarchids (bluegill, largemouth bass, and smallmouth bass) in Japan (1962-2017)
長澤 和也
PP. 105 - 120
Reports of Studies supported by Grant-in-Aid for Research from the Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
山本 民次
沖田 美紀
PP. 179 - 183
55 巻
( 2016-12-25 )
Insight into the migratory history using otolith Sr : Ca ratio of the anadromous masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou masou from the Tonegawa River
津行 篤士
反町 工健
新井 肇
海野 徹也
PP. 1 - 6
Infection of a big trematode in juvenile Japanese amberjack, Seriola quinqueradiata, cultured in Japan
長澤 和也
PP. 7 - 12
First record of Mollusks in the Japanes water that were collected from off Tanegashima Island
倉持 敦子
倉持 卓司
厚井 晶子
長沼 毅
PP. 13 - 17
瀬戸内海燧灘より採集されたCaudina similis (Augustin, 1908) (ナマコ綱,隠足目,カウディナ科)
Record of Caudina similis (Augustin, 1908) collected from Hiuchi-Nada in the Seto Inland Sea (Holothuria, Molpadida, Caudinidae)
倉持 卓司
厚井 晶子
長沼 毅
PP. 19 - 23
種子島沖合における親潮潜流の到達の可能性 : 北太平洋亜寒帯指標種 Neocalanus cristatus(カイアシ類)の出現
Possible westward extension of submerged Oyashio waters to off Tanagashima Island, Kyushu, western Japan: based on the occurrence of the subarctic copepod Neocalanus cristatus
大塚 攻
田中 隼人
近藤 裕介
内海 隼人
橋本 周一郎
片岡 聖
中口 和光
山口 修平
加藤 幹雄
Lindsay Dhugal
砂原 圭佐
PP. 25 - 30
Chronic hypomagnesaemia on bovine ketosis
Yoshida Shigeru
PP. 31 - 38
日本産コイ科魚類に寄生する単生類フタゴムシEudiplozoon nipponicumと近縁未同定種に関する解説[付録:亀谷 了博士の研究業績目録]
A note on Eudiplozoon nipponicum and Diplozoon sp. (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) parasitic on cyprinids in Japan, with a list of the works of Dr. Satoru Kamegai on diplozoids
長澤 和也
PP. 39 - 56
A synopsis of the parasites from cyprinid fishes of the genus Tribolodon in Japan: A 2016 update and supplement
日本産ウグイ属魚類の寄生虫目録 : 補足(2016年)
Nagasawa Kazuya
Katahira Hirotaka
PP. 57 - 70
日本産魚類に寄生するカクレムシ科(新称)Philichthyidae カイアシ類の目録(1924‒2016年)
A checklist of copepods of the family Philichthyidae (Cyclopoida) from fishes in Japanese waters (1924–2016)
長澤 和也
上野 大輔
PP. 71 - 84
Reports of studies supported by Grant-in-Aid for Research from the Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
中井 敏博
豊後 貴嗣
和﨑 淳
PP. 116 - 119
54 巻
( 2015-12-25 )
Discrimination of stock origin of spawning population of ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis at the Ota River, Hiroshima Prefecture
甲田 和也
玉森 千晴
合戸 賢利
山本 雅樹
高山 翔
海野 徹也
PP. 1 - 6
広島県太田川下流域におけるカジカ中卵型 Cottus sp. (middle-egg type)の回遊履歴の推定
The migratory histories of the Cottus sp. (middle-egg type) in the Ota River
津行 篤士
岡﨑 隆真
海野 徹也
竹下 邦明
PP. 7 - 12
Studies on ecology of marine chironomids in southwestern Japan
Kawai Koichiro
Saito Hidetoshi
Sugimaru Katsuo
PP. 13 - 19
Molecular Identification of “Gum Gum” : a Food Mole Crab Hippa adactyla from Papua New Guinea
パプアニューギニアで食用とされるミナミスナホリガニHippa adactylaの分子的同定
Urata Makoto
Tanaka Hayato
Ohtsuka Susumu
PP. 21 - 28
Production of Zostera marina with different shoot size and stand structures in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan : production in the luxuriant season in 2012
瀬戸内海における株サイズと群落構造の異なるアマモの生産量 : 2012年繁茂期の生産量
Yoshida Goro
Hori Masakazu
Shimabukuro Hiromori
Hamaoka Hideki
Iwasaki Sadaharu
PP. 29 - 44
Characterization of Clonal Polyp Strains Established from Aurelia sp. Inhabiting the Seto Inland Sea of Japan
辻田 菜摘
黒田 理絵
奥村 衣澄
吉岡 沙弥香
中谷 みなみ
小山 寬喜
国吉 久人
PP. 45 - 54
Record of Lyonsia kawamurai Habe, 1952 collected from the Seto Inland Sea (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Lyonsiidae)
倉持 敦子
倉持 卓司
厚井 晶子
長沼 毅
PP. 55 - 59
New records of sea cucumbers collected from the Seto Inland Sea (Echinodermata, Holothuria, Dendrochirotida)
倉持 卓司
倉持 敦子
厚井 晶子
長沼 毅
PP. 61 - 64
The ergasilid copepod Neoergasilus japonicus infecting smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu in central Japan
Nagasawa Kazuya
Obe Midori
PP. 65 - 69
Lernaea cyprinacea (Copepoda: Lernaeidae) and Argulus sp. (Branchiura: Argulidae) parasitic on the freshwater goby Rhinogobius sp. TO endemic to Japan
Nagasawa Kazuya
Torii Ryo-ichi
PP. 71 - 74
Two new prefectural records in Japan for the salmonid parasite, Salvelinema salmonicola (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae)
サケ科魚類の寄生虫,マスウキブクロセンチュウSalvelinema salmonicolaの新産地
Nagasawa Kazuya
Akiyama Akihiko
Kawai Koichiro
PP. 75 - 79
養殖クロマグロに寄生していた大型吸虫Hirudinella sp.
A giant trematode Hirudinella sp. in Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, cultured in Japan
長澤 和也
PP. 81 - 87
Takifugu rubripes predation on the venomous stingray Dasyatis akajei : gut content evidence from an estuary in the western Seto Inland Sea, Japan
重田 利拓
古満 啓介
山口 敦子
冨山 毅
坂井 陽一
斉藤 英俊
PP. 89 - 98
Osteoporosis in lactating dairy cows
Yoshida Shigeru
PP. 99 - 111
A 2015 update and corrections to the checklist of the parasitic copepods of fishes and invertebrates of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan
瀬戸内海産魚類・無脊椎動物の寄生性カイアシ類目録 : 最新版と訂正
長澤 和也
PP. 113 - 124
A checklist of copepods of the family Lernaeopodidae (Siphonostomatoida) from fishes in Japanese waters (1939-2015)
長澤 和也
上野 大輔
PP. 125 - 151
Japanese government policies to universities and 30 years of Graduate School of Biosphere Science
谷口 幸三
PP. 153 - 163
Reports of studies supported by Grant-in-Aid for Research from the Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
河上 眞一
川合 美千代
山本 民次
三瓶 真
小池 一彦
PP. 204 - 208
53 巻
( 2014-12-25 )
瀬戸内海西部の屋代島,平郡島における海藻藻場の特性 : 特にホンダワラ類とクロメの垂直分布について
Characteristics of macroalgal vegetation along the coasts of Yashiro and Heigun islands, western Seto Inland Sea, Japan : especially, on the vertical distribution patterns of species of Sargassum and Ecklonia
吉田 吾郎
島袋 寛盛
森口 朗彦
堀 正和
濱岡 秀樹
高田 茂弘
田井中 剛
加藤 亜記
PP. 1 - 22
鹿児島県薩摩硫黄島沖から採集されたトサパイプヨウラク(軟体動物門, 腹足綱, アッキガイ科)の記録
Monstrotyphis tosaensis (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Muricidae) collected from off-Satsuma Iōjima Island, northern Satsunan Islands, Japan
倉持 卓司
倉持 敦子
厚井 晶子
長沼 毅
PP. 23 - 26
The parasitic copepod Lernaea cyprinacea from freshwater fishes, including alien species (Gambusia affinis and Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus), in central Japan
Nagasawa Kazuya
Torii Ryo-Ichi
PP. 27 - 31
Odontobutis hikimius (Perciformes: Odontobutidae), a new host for Argulus coregoni (Crustacea: Branchiura: Argulidae)
Nagasawa Kazuya
Kuwabara Tomoharu
Nakano Hiroshi
PP. 33 - 36
Prevalence of skin pseudotumors in three species of pleuronectids in Notsuke Bay, Hokkaido, northern Japan
Nagasawa Kazuya
PP. 37 - 42
A checklist of copepods of the family Pennellidae (Siphonostomatoida) from fishes and whales in Japanese waters (1916‒2014)
長澤 和也
上野 大輔
PP. 43 - 71
Synopsis of Japanese names of the parasites from cultured fishes and shellfishes in Japan
横山 博
長澤 和也
PP. 73 - 97
Reports of studies supported by Grant-in-Aid for Research from the Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
矢野 泉
細野 賢治
山尾 政博
高梨子 文恵
豊後 貴嗣
PP. 136 - 141
52 巻
( 2013-12-25 )
Trophic status of 24 aquatic species in Hiroshima Bay inferred from stable isotope ratio
Ahmad-Syazni Kamarudin
Yamamoto Masaki
Tahara Naoki
Tomano Satoshi
Ishihi Yuka
Tokuda Masaharu
Umino Tetsuya
PP. 1 - 7
スズキに捕食された稚アユPlecoglossus altivelis altivelis の由来判別
Sock discrimination for juvenile ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis from stomach of field-caught Japanese seabass, Lateolabrax japonicas in the Nuta River, Hiroshima Prefecture
占部 敦史
海野 徹也
PP. 9 - 14
CHN分析計による沿岸域における粒状有機炭素の定量法の検討 : 無機炭素の影響について
Determination of organic carbon in coastal marine particles with a CHN analyzer : effects of inorganic carbon
花田 光司
池田 大樹
寺門 亜矢子
井関 和夫
PP. 15 - 24
A list of fishes found on the oyster farming rafts by the underwater visual census in northern Hiroshima Bay, Seto Inland Sea, Japan
坂井 陽一
清水 則雄
海野 徹也
PP. 25 - 33
瀬戸内海山口湾で採集された準絶滅危惧種ショウキハゼTridentiger barbatus(ハゼ科)の生息と産卵の確認
First record on the occurrence and spawning of Shokihaze goby, Tridentiger barbatus (family: Gobiidae), based on a specimen from Yamaguchi Bay in western Seto Inland Sea, Japan
重田 利拓
冨山 毅
坂井 陽一
斉藤 英俊
PP. 35 - 43
Lingula rostrum collected from the Seto Inland Sea (Brachiopoda, Inarticulata, Lingulidae)
倉持 卓司
上野 香菜子
厚井 晶子
長沼 毅
PP. 45 - 50
Thyonidium diomedeae collected from the Seto Inland Sea (Echinodermata, Dendrochirotacea, Phyllophoridae)
倉持 卓司
厚井 晶子
長沼 毅
PP. 51 - 54
Lernaea cyprinacea (Copepoda: Lernaeidae) parasitic on freshwater fishes in Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan
Nagasawa Kazuya
PP. 55 - 58
Two branchiuran crustaceans (Argulus coregoni Thorell and A. japonicus Thiele) from Kyoto and Osaka prefectures, central Japan
長澤 和也
花﨑 勝司
森本 静子
PP. 59 - 64
A rediscovery of Limnotrachelobdella okae (Hirudinida: Piscicolidae) from flathead grey mullet Mugil cephalus in Japan
長澤 和也
泉川 晃一
池竹 弘旭
PP. 65 - 70
Ecological traits and their diversities of five Zostera marina populations in and around Hiroshima Bay, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan
吉田 吾郎
谷本 照己
相田 聡
梶田 淳
水谷 浩
大本 茂之
斉藤 憲治
森口 朗彦
堀 正和
浜口 昌巳
寺脇 利信
PP. 71 - 86
A synopsis of the parasites from cyprinid fishes of the genus Tribolodon in Japan (1908-2013)
Nagasawa Kazuya
Katahira Hirotaka
PP. 87 - 115
A checklist of copepods of the family Chondracanthidae (Poecilostomatoida) from fishes in Japanese waters (1918-2013)
長澤 和也
上野 大輔
何 汝諧
PP. 117 - 143
Reports of Studies supported by Grant-in-Aid for Research from the Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
山本 民次
佐々木 晶子
キム キョンヘ
浅岡 聡
山尾 政博
小池 一彦
有元 太朗
Maung Saw Htoo Thaw
PP. 201 - 204
51 巻
( 2012-12-24 )
Composition of subspecies, head spot types and genetic types of charr distributed in the Hino River, Japan
Kawai Koichiro
Saito Hidetoshi
Imabayashi Hiromichi
PP. 1 - 8
Prevalence of skin pseudotumors in starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) and pleuronectid hybrids in a brackish-water lake, Hokkaido, Japan
Nagasawa Kazuya
Nishiuchi Shuichi
PP. 9 - 14
Argulus japonicus Thiele (Crustacea: Branchiura) from Kyushu, western Japan,with a note on its heavy infection of koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Japanese crucian carp (Carassius cuvieri)
長澤 和也
村瀬 拓也
柳 宗悦
前野 幸二
PP. 15 - 20
瀬戸内海中央部大三島沖より採集されたトゲヒメミョウガSmilium scorpio(蔓脚目:ミョウガガイ科)
Record of the Smilium scorpio Aurivillius 1892 (Thoracica: Calanticidae) Collected from Off –Omi-shima, the Central Part of Seto Inland Sea, Japan
倉持 卓司
厚井 晶子
柏原 克彦
Jadoon Waqar Azeem
長沼 毅
PP. 21 - 26
Taxonomic revision of Japanese Lingula anatina with L. reevii (Brachiopoda: Lingulata)
倉持 卓司
厚井 晶子
柏原 克彦
長沼 毅
PP. 27 - 35
日本産魚類に寄生するツツウオジラミ科,エラノミ科(新称) Hatschekiidae およびニセエラノミ科(新称) Pseudohatschekiidae カイアシ類の目録(1916-2012年)
A checklist of copepods of the families Dichelesthiidae, Hatschekiidae and Pseudohatschekiidae (Siphonostomatoida) from fishes in Japanese waters (1916-2012)
長澤 和也
上野 大輔
PP. 37 - 59
The biology of Contracaecum osculatum sensu lato and C. osculatum A (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in Japanese waters : a review
日本周辺海域におけるアニサキス科線虫 Contracaecum osculatum sensu lato とC. osculatum A の生物学 : 総説
Nagasawa Kazuya
PP. 61 - 69
Reform of Agricultural Higher Education in China
山谷 洋二
PP. 71 - 89
Educational Reform of Sichuan Agricultural University
山谷 洋二
PP. 91 - 109
Reports of studies supported by Grant-in-Aid for Research from the Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
Myat Su
Thaw Maung Saw Htoo
藤瀬 里紗
Lay Khin Ko
小池 一彦
山尾 政博
吉田 将之
本同 宏成
細野 賢治
矢野 泉
高梨子 文恵
斉藤 英俊
黒川 勇三
PP. 159 - 170
50 巻
( 2011-12-24 )
Concentrations of organic acids in automobile and incinerator exhaust gases and their emission rates into the atmosphere
三宅 隆之
佐久川 弘
PP. 1 - 13
Estimation of geographical distribution limits between two subspecies of white-spotted charr, Salvelinus leucomaenis imbrius and S. l. pluvius, on the basis of RAPD analysis
Kawai Koichiro
Inoue Takanori
Saito Hidetoshi
Imabayashi Hiromichi
PP. 15 - 23
Elemental composition of black deposits on the shells of Phenacolepas pulchella (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Neritopsina) collected from the Aso-kai lagoon, Kyoto, Japan
倉持 卓司
厚井 晶子
長沼 毅
PP. 25 - 32
Reconstruction of the migratory history of the catadromous fourspine sculpin Cottus kazika from the Monobe and Shimanto River, Kochi prefecture in southern Shikoku, using otolith Sr/Ca concentration ratios
岡部 正也
佐伯 昭
芥川 健二
清家 暁
海野 徹也
PP. 33 - 42
Infection with Peniculus minuticaudae (Copepoda: Pennellidae) on Threadsail Filefish (Stephanolepis cirrhifer) and Black Scraper (Thamnaconus modestus) Cultured in Japan
養殖カワハギとウマヅラハギに寄生していたカイアシ類Peniculus minuticaudae
Nagasawa Kazuya
Fukuda Yutaka
Tanaka Shinji
PP. 43 - 47
Two Species of Caligus (Copepoda: Caligidae) from Amberjacks (Seriola spp.) Cultured in Oita Prefecture, Kyushu, Western Japan
Nagasawa Kazuya
Fukuda Yutaka
PP. 49 - 53
First Record of the Fish Ectoparasite Argulus coregoni Thorell (Crustacea: Branchiura) from Shikoku, Japan
長澤 和也
池田 祐二
PP. 55 - 58
49 巻
( 2010-12-24 )
Relationship between morphological and genetic trees of marine chironomid species
Sugimaru Katsuo
Kawai Koichiro
Imabayashi Hiromichi
PP. 1 - 6
瀬戸内海安芸灘の浅海魚類相 : ホシササノハベラとホシノハゼの分布に注目して
Fish fauna of shallow waters of Aki Nada, Seto Inland sea, Japan
坂井 陽一
越智 雄一郎
坪井 美由紀
門田 立
清水 則雄
小路 淳
松本 一範
馬渕 浩司
国吉 久人
大塚 攻
橋本 博明
PP. 7 - 20
Summer distribution and short-term variation of the bottom turbid layer in Suo-sound in the Western Seto Inland Sea, Japan
中西 哲也
井関 和夫
宮下 幸久
小池 一彦
浜口 昌巳
手塚 尚明
PP. 21 - 30
Accumulation of Ulva spp. (Chlorophyta) and other seaweed thalli on the shallow sea bottom of Hiroshima Bay (A preliminary survey)
吉田 吾郎
内村 真之
平岡 雅規
寺脇 利信
新井 章吾
井関 和夫
PP. 31 - 38
Comparison of absorption coefficients between accumulated matter on the thalli of Ecklonia kurome and suspended matter in the water surrounding Ecklonia bed
新村 陽子
梶田 淳
寺脇 利信
吉田 吾郎
浜口 昌巳
井関 和夫
PP. 39 - 47
Re-classification of the Apostichopus holothurians from Sagami Bay, central Japan
倉持 卓司
長沼 毅
PP. 49 - 54
48 巻
( 2009-12-25 )
A quantitative comparison of fish assemblage between amacroalgae bed and an adjoining sandy beach in the central Seto Inland Sea
平井 香太郎
上村 泰洋
岩本 有司
森田 拓真
小路 淳
PP. 1 - 7
日本近海で採集されたマンボウ属(Mola spp. A and B)の形態異常個体
On the abnormally morphological forms in Mola sunfish (Mola spp. A and B) taken from Japanese coastal waters
澤井 悦郎
山野上 祐介
坂井 陽一
橋本 博明
PP. 9 - 17
トカラ列島口之島,中之島,平島,小宝島における浅海魚類相 : 2002年-2007年の潜水センサス調査から
Fish Fauna on Reefs of Tokara Islands, Southern Japan, Surveyed By Underwater Census During 2002-2007
坂井 陽一
門田 立
清水 則雄
坪井 美由紀
山口 修平
中口 和光
郷 秋雄
増井 義也
橋本 博明
具島 健二
PP. 19 - 35
A record of a crustacean parasite Argulus matuii (Branchiura: Argulidae) in finfish mariculture in Japan
Nagasawa Kazuya
Fukuda Yutaka
PP. 37 - 41
Argulus japonicus Thiele and A. coregoni Thorell (Crustacea: Branchiura) from western Honshu, Japan
長澤 和也
上野 大輔
栃本 武良
PP. 43 - 47
Limnotrachelobdella sinensis, a leech associated with mortality in a wild population of Japanese crucian carp Carassius cuvieri in Korea
Nagasawa Kazuya
Park Sung-Woo
Kim Young-Gill
Kim Hyoung Jun
PP. 49 - 53
Variation in biomass and species composition of epiphytic community on the different aged leaves of Zostera marina (Chlorophyta)
Niimura Yoko
Tamaki Hitoshi
Yoshida Goro
Terawaki Toshinobu
Iseki Kazuo
PP. 55 - 61
The Role of Seaweed Bed for the Lower Trophic Ecosystem in Coastal Seas
橋本 俊也
清水 健太
吉田 吾郎
PP. 63 - 68
琉球列島久米島沖より採集されたウニエボシ属の一種 : (蔓脚綱:エボシガイ目)
First Record of Megalasma minus Annandale, 1906 (Cirripeda: Lepadomorpha) Collected off Kume Island, Ryukyu Islands, Southwestern Japan
倉持 卓司
城間 一仁
長沼 毅
PP. 69 - 72
The memorial story of my chicken monoclonal antibody research
松田 治男
PP. 73 - 76
脂質の構造と物性 : 食品物理学の立場から
Property-Function Relationships in Food Lipids- a review from Food Biophysics
佐藤 清隆
PP. 77 - 94
47 巻
( 2008-12-20 )
Estimation of catch efficiency of a small seine for larval and juvenile Japanese sea bass, Lateolabrax japonicus, in the Ohta estuary
岩本 有司
森田 拓真
上村 泰洋
平井 香太郎
小路 淳
PP. 1 - 5
Differences in distribution patterns among some species of caddisfly larvae of the family Rhyacophilidae in the Ohta River, Japan
Kawai Koichiro
Nishi Masahiro
Imabayashi Hiromichi
PP. 7 - 15
Occurrence of the parasitic copepod Acanthochondria spirigera (Chondracanthidae) on anglerfish Lophius litulon in the East China Sea off western Japan
東シナ海産キアンコウにおけるトゲナシツブムシAcanthochondria spirigeraの寄生状況
Nagasawa Kazuya
Kubo Satoshi
Sakai Yoichi
Hashimoto Hiroaki
PP. 17 - 22
New host record for Argulus coregoni (Crustacea: Branchiura: Argulidae), with discussion on its natural distribution in Japan
Nagasawa Kazuya
Kawai Koichiro
PP. 23 - 28
A case of infestation by Limnotrachelobdella okae (Hirudinida: Piscicolidae) on Japanese Amberjack Seriola quinqueradiata cultured in Kyushu, Japan
Nagasawa Kazuya
Fukuda Yutaka
PP. 29 - 34
Discrimination of amphidromous and landlocked ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis (Teleostei: Plecoglossidae) in the Nuta River, Hiroshima Prefecture, using the otolith Sr/Ca ratio
山本 香菜子
高山 翔
海野 徹也
古澤 修一
柴田 恭宏
中村 和夫
PP. 35 - 40
周防灘における光環境,クロロフィルa 及び濁度の季節・海域変動
Seasonal and spatial variations of optical properties, chlorophyll a and turbidity in Suo-Sound of the western Seto Inland Sea, Japan
宮下 幸久
井関 和夫
湯川 翔太
小池 一彦
手塚 尚明
浜口 昌巳
PP. 41 - 51
海産付着珪藻Nitzschia sp.の増殖に対する酸化マグネシウム混合ポリエチレン被覆鋼線の影響
Effects of magnesium oxide-added polyethylene-coated steel wire on the growth of attached marine diatom Nitzschia sp.
山本 民次
浅岡 聡
原口 浩一
PP. 53 - 59
Analysis of factors controlling plant productivity in terms of source-sink relationship
藤田 耕之輔
PP. 61 - 68
46 巻
( 2007-12-20 )
Diets of 45 Fish Species from 17 Families at Kuchierabu-jima Island
Takeuchi Naoko
Saeki Toshifumi
Sakai Yoichi
Hashimoto Hiroaki
PP. 5 - 13
愛媛県今治で採取されたテナガダコOctopus minorの体形異常個体
On freak minor octopus, Octopus minor, found out in Imabari Fish Market, Ehime Prefecture
東出 遼介
坂井 陽一
橋本 博明
PP. 15 - 19
New Host Records for Lernaea cyprinacea (Copepoda), a Parasite of Freshwater Fishes, with a Checklist of the Lernaeidae in Japan (1915-2007)
Nagasawa Kazuya
Inoue Akiko
Myat Su
Umino Tetsuya
PP. 21 - 33
Landlocked Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis (Teleostei: Plecoglossidae) in the Ashida River, Hiroshima Prefecture, as Identified by Otolith Sr/Ca Ratio
海野 徹也
柴 智久
検崎 仁美
柴田 恭宏
長澤 和也
PP. 35 - 42
Long-term Changes in Water Quality in and Upstream/Downstream of Reservoirs Constructed on the Ohta River and the Yahata River, Hiroshima
山本 民次
大久保 文恵
伊達 悦二
PP. 43 - 57
A Checklist of the Parasites of Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) (Salmoniformes: Plecoglossidae) in Japan (1912-2007)
Nagasawa Kazuya
Umino Tetsuya
Grygier Mark J.
PP. 59 - 89
A Checklist of the Parasites of Eels (Anguilla spp.) (Anguilliformes: Anguillidae) in Japan (1915-2007)
Nagasawa Kazuya
Umino Tetsuya
Mizuno Kouki
PP. 91 - 121
45 巻
( 2006-12-20 )
New Host and Distribution Records for Salvelinema salmonicola (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae), a Parasite of Freshwater Salmonids, in Japan
マスウキブクロセンチュウ(新称)Salvelinema salmonicolaの新宿主と新分布地
Nagasawa Kazuya
Furusawa Shuichi
PP. 9 - 14
Infection of Japanese Eel Anguilla japonica Elvers by Hemiclepsis marginata (Hirudinida: Glossiphoniidae)
Nagasawa Kazuya
Miyakawa Munenori
PP. 15 - 19
Evaluation for the Measurement of Biogenic Silicon in Coastal Waters and the Distribution in Suspended Matters of Suo-nada, Seto Inland Sea
中嶋 さやか
井関 和夫
PP. 21 - 29
Dispersion of the small particles in the high turbidity water from sea sand mining boat
橋本 俊也
多田 邦尚
和田 彩香
一見 和彦
PP. 31 - 36
44 巻
( 2005-11-22 )
トカラ列島北部に位置する口之島, 中之島の浅海魚類相
Fish Fauna at Reefs of the Northern Tokara Islands, Southern Japan
坂井 陽一
門田 立
木寺 哲明
相良 恒太郎
柴田 淳也
清水 則雄
武山 智博
藤田 治
橋本 博明
具島 健二
PP. 1 - 13
Comparison of bottles and their washing treatments for iron contamination
大澤 京子
山本 民次
平田 静子
PP. 25 - 29
底生付着珪藻Nitzschia sp.の増殖に対する付着基質サイズの影響
Effects of grain size of substrate on the growth of a benthic microalgae Nitzschia sp.
鈴木 雅巳
山本 民次
PP. 31 - 38
42 巻
( 2003-11-30 )
Comparison of affinity of total Hb to O_2 between 2 subspecies of Japanese char, Gogi, Salvelinus leucomaenis imbrius and Nikkoiwana, S.l.plwius
河合 幸一郎
本崎 さおり
及川 信
竹田 達右
今林 博道
PP. 1 - 5
養殖スサビノリ(Porphyra yezoensis)葉体の炭素,窒素,リン含有量
Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents of cultured Nori (Porphyra yezoensis)
川口 修
山本 民次
橋本 俊也
PP. 7 - 9
Record of Cryptopsara couesii GILL (Lophiiformes: Ceratiidae) from off-Kume Island, Ryukyu Islands, Western Japan
倉持 卓司
須藤 裕介
小川 麻里
玉城 英信
長沼 毅
PP. 11 - 14
A Study of cognitive information processing bias in anxienty(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Fujihara Yuya
PP. 17 - 18
Effect of endurance training and acute exercise on sarcoplasmic reticulum function(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Inashima Shuichiro
PP. 19 - 20
Neutron Spin Echo Studies on Effects of Temperature and Pressure on Structural Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Complex Fluids involving amphiphiles(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Kawabata Youhei
PP. 21 - 22
A Study of Density Fluctuations in Supercritical Fluid Selenium by Small Angle X-ray Scattering measurements(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Kazi Moynul Huq
PP. 23 -
A study of the effects of multiple leaders : From viewpoints of leaders' intragroup and intergroup behavior(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Kohguchi Hiroshi
PP. 24 - 25
Luminescent Vibriosis in Cultured Black Tiger Shrimp Penaeus monodon(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Lavilla-Pitogo Celia R
PP. 26 - 27
NEURONAL NETWORKS REGULATING DRINKING BEHAVIOR IN THE EEL(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Mukuda Takao
PP. 28 -
希土類金属間化合物R_7Rh_3及びRMg_2T_9(R=希土類,T=Ni,Cu)の物性研究(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
中森 裕子
PP. 29 -
A study of effects of disparity between support expectation and receipt in dyadic relationship(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Nakamura Yoshiko
PP. 30 -
A study on the discharge of base cation in mountainous catchments, considering the variation and component of cation adsorption pool in soil(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Naruoka Tomohiro
PP. 31 -
A sutdy of the self-evaluation process : An examination from the viewpoints of self-evaluation motivations and reference to other persons and mental adaptation(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Nishimura Takashi
PP. 32 - 33
Organizing Actions of neurosteroids Synthesized De Novo in the Cerebellar Purkinje Neuron(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Sakamoto Hirotaka
PP. 34 - 35
Biomass of fine roots and mycrorhizal fungi in forest ecosystems(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Satomura Takami
PP. 36 - 37
A Study of the Influence Process of Leader Integrity on Work Morale of Subordinates(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Shi Guirong
PP. 38 -
Two AAA-family peroxin genes, pex-1 and pex-6 of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Simona Ghenea
PP. 39 -
The Effects on the Interactions between Supervisors and Subrodinates Brought by Congruent or Incongruent Goal-orientations(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Yamaura Kazuho
PP. 40 - 41
The influence of self-derogative communication on mental health : An examination from the viewpoint of internalization of cultural norms(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Yoshida Ayano
PP. 42 - 43
Studies on quasi-immune response of kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV)(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Wu Jin Lu
PP. 44 - 45
Comparison of chamber methods for measuring soil respiration under field and laboratory conditions(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
Yim Myeong Hui
PP. 46 - 48
Fundamental study on the analyzing method of energy revenue and energy expenditure in grazing heifers(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Ando Satoshi
PP. 49 - 50
Comparative fisheries ecology on three tonguefish species, genus Cynoglossus, from the Yosu coast, Korea and the Seto Inland Sea, Japan(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Baeck Sun Wook
PP. 51 -
A sutdy on foraging behavior of four species in the genus Pterogobius (Pisces: Gobiidae), with note on speciation(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Choi Seung-Ho
PP. 52 -
Studies on genetic evaluation of black sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegeli in stock enhancement(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Jeong Dal-Sang
PP. 53 - 54
Development of B cells in the chicken gut-associated lymphoid tissue(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Kajiwara Eiji
PP. 55 -
A study of the fate of herbicide Imazosulfuron in soil environment(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Mikata Kazuki
PP. 56 - 57
Studies on the relationships between host-plant acceptability and lpant constituents in host selection by a swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polytes(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Murakami Tadayuki
PP. 58 - 59
Chemoecological study of host selection and host shifts in papilionid butterflies(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Nakayama Tadanobu
PP. 60 - 61
Behavioral activity as a predictor of heat production in laying hen(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Saiful Islam M
PP. 62 - 64
Studies on functional properties of peptides derived from meat proteins : Antioxidant and antihypertensive activities(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Saiga Ai
PP. 65 - 67
Physical analyses of kinetic and polymorphic effects on phase behavior of binary triacylglycerol mixtures(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Takeuchi Morio
PP. 68 -
A study on the foraging behavior of the piscivorous cornetfish, Fistularia commersonii(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Takeuchi Naoko
PP. 69 - 70
Studies on bioactive Quassinoids isolated from Simaroubaceous Plants(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Tamura Sadaaki
PP. 71 - 72
Development of management technique in manufacturing dehydrated food using the dielectric property(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Tohi Sadao
PP. 73 - 74
Studies on phospholipases A_2 in the gills of the red sea bream(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Uchiyama Satoshi
PP. 75 - 76
Study on the larval settlement of spionid polychaetes in the oxygen-deficient region of coastal waters(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Yamada Hiroshi
PP. 77 - 78
Study on anti-tumor effect of sericin(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Zhaorigetsu Siqin
PP. 79 - 80
Phylogenetic characterization and in situ localization of endosymbiotic microflora of the Pogonophoran tubeworms(Department of Environmental Dynamics and Management)
Kimura Hiroyuki
PP. 81 - 82
DOP utilization by the two toxic dinoflagellates, Alexandrium tamarense and Gymnodinium catenatum, and its advantage in species competition(Department of Environmental Dynamics and Management)
Oh Seok Jin
PP. 83 - 84
Biomass of fine roots and mycorrhizal fungi in forest ecosystems(Department of Environmental Dynamics and Management)
Satomura Takami
PP. 85 - 86
Comparison of chamber methods for measuring soil respiration under field and latoratory conditions(Department of Environmental Dynamics and Management)
Yim Myeong Hui
PP. 87 - 89
41 巻
( 2002-10-20 )
愛媛県今治周辺におけるシマウシノシタZebrias zebraの生活サイクル
The annual life cycle of Zebrias zebra in the near shore waters around Imabari, Ehime prefecture.
安部 洋介
白 根旭
坂井 陽一
橋本 博明
具島 健二
PP. 1 - 11
瀬戸内海燧灘におけるセトダイHapalogenys mucronatusの生殖について
Reproduction of the Japanese grunt in Hiutinada Sea, the Central Seto Inland Sea
鎌田 崇史
坂井 陽一
橋本 博明
具島 健二
PP. 13 - 21
Stock separation for spawning population of ayu at Gouno River using otolith Sr/Ca ratio
清家 暁
二本木 俊二
海野 徹也
中川 平介
PP. 23 - 29