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Volume 57
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Volume 53
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Volume 52
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Volume 42
( 2003-11-30 )
Volume 41
( 2002-10-20 )
この文献の参照には次のURLをご利用ください :
生物圏科学 : 広島大学大学院生物圏科学研究科紀要 Volume 42
published_at 2003-11-30
A study of the fate of herbicide Imazosulfuron in soil environment(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
Mikata Kazuki
122 KB
About This Article
Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
Other Article
PP. 1 - 5
養殖スサビノリ(Porphyra yezoensis)葉体の炭素,窒素,リン含有量
PP. 7 - 9
PP. 11 - 14
A Study of cognitive information processing bias in anxienty(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 17 - 18
Effect of endurance training and acute exercise on sarcoplasmic reticulum function(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 19 - 20
Neutron Spin Echo Studies on Effects of Temperature and Pressure on Structural Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Complex Fluids involving amphiphiles(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 21 - 22
A Study of Density Fluctuations in Supercritical Fluid Selenium by Small Angle X-ray Scattering measurements(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 23 -
A study of the effects of multiple leaders : From viewpoints of leaders' intragroup and intergroup behavior(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 24 - 25
Luminescent Vibriosis in Cultured Black Tiger Shrimp Penaeus monodon(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 26 - 27
NEURONAL NETWORKS REGULATING DRINKING BEHAVIOR IN THE EEL(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 28 -
希土類金属間化合物R_7Rh_3及びRMg_2T_9(R=希土類,T=Ni,Cu)の物性研究(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 29 -
A study of effects of disparity between support expectation and receipt in dyadic relationship(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 30 -
A study on the discharge of base cation in mountainous catchments, considering the variation and component of cation adsorption pool in soil(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 31 -
A sutdy of the self-evaluation process : An examination from the viewpoints of self-evaluation motivations and reference to other persons and mental adaptation(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 32 - 33
Organizing Actions of neurosteroids Synthesized De Novo in the Cerebellar Purkinje Neuron(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 34 - 35
Biomass of fine roots and mycrorhizal fungi in forest ecosystems(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 36 - 37
A Study of the Influence Process of Leader Integrity on Work Morale of Subordinates(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 38 -
Two AAA-family peroxin genes, pex-1 and pex-6 of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 39 -
The Effects on the Interactions between Supervisors and Subrodinates Brought by Congruent or Incongruent Goal-orientations(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 40 - 41
The influence of self-derogative communication on mental health : An examination from the viewpoint of internalization of cultural norms(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 42 - 43
Studies on quasi-immune response of kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV)(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 44 - 45
Comparison of chamber methods for measuring soil respiration under field and laboratory conditions(Department of Sciences for Biospheric Coexistence)
PP. 46 - 48
Fundamental study on the analyzing method of energy revenue and energy expenditure in grazing heifers(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 49 - 50
Comparative fisheries ecology on three tonguefish species, genus Cynoglossus, from the Yosu coast, Korea and the Seto Inland Sea, Japan(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 51 -
A sutdy on foraging behavior of four species in the genus Pterogobius (Pisces: Gobiidae), with note on speciation(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 52 -
Studies on genetic evaluation of black sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegeli in stock enhancement(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 53 - 54
Development of B cells in the chicken gut-associated lymphoid tissue(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 55 -
A study of the fate of herbicide Imazosulfuron in soil environment(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 56 - 57
Studies on the relationships between host-plant acceptability and lpant constituents in host selection by a swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polytes(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 58 - 59
Chemoecological study of host selection and host shifts in papilionid butterflies(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 60 - 61
Behavioral activity as a predictor of heat production in laying hen(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 62 - 64
Studies on functional properties of peptides derived from meat proteins : Antioxidant and antihypertensive activities(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 65 - 67
Physical analyses of kinetic and polymorphic effects on phase behavior of binary triacylglycerol mixtures(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 68 -
A study on the foraging behavior of the piscivorous cornetfish, Fistularia commersonii(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 69 - 70
Studies on bioactive Quassinoids isolated from Simaroubaceous Plants(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 71 - 72
Development of management technique in manufacturing dehydrated food using the dielectric property(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 73 - 74
Studies on phospholipases A_2 in the gills of the red sea bream(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 75 - 76
Study on the larval settlement of spionid polychaetes in the oxygen-deficient region of coastal waters(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 77 - 78
Study on anti-tumor effect of sericin(Department of Bioresource Science and Technology)
PP. 79 - 80
Phylogenetic characterization and in situ localization of endosymbiotic microflora of the Pogonophoran tubeworms(Department of Environmental Dynamics and Management)
PP. 81 - 82
DOP utilization by the two toxic dinoflagellates, Alexandrium tamarense and Gymnodinium catenatum, and its advantage in species competition(Department of Environmental Dynamics and Management)
PP. 83 - 84
Biomass of fine roots and mycorrhizal fungi in forest ecosystems(Department of Environmental Dynamics and Management)
PP. 85 - 86
Comparison of chamber methods for measuring soil respiration under field and latoratory conditions(Department of Environmental Dynamics and Management)
PP. 87 - 89