The podosphaerastrid asteroid Podosphaeraster toyoshiomaruae Fujita and Rowe, 2002 is small-sized, nearly spherical in shape. The species exclusively inhabits on the bank Oshima-shinsone at depths of 100 to 200 m, northwest of Amami-Oshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, where the bottom is entirely covered with sponges, octocorals, and hyrozoan polyps with patches of sandy bottom. The bottom conditions were clearly observed with a ROV on September 29, 2009. A living specimen was collected from this locality on May 21, 2017. During locomotion by tube feet, the body was depressed dorso-ventrally in contrast with the spherical body shape with tube feet unexpanded. The locomotion rate of the specimen was about 1.65 cm/min. Two types of tube feet were identified. Presumably one is for locomotion with a sucker terminally, while the other for sensing.