学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 48 号
2021-03-31 発行

Class Practice Research Aimed at Achieving Proactive, Interactive, and Deep Learning in the Junior High School Music Department: From the Perspective of Teaching Methods in Instrumental Ensemble

Saito Hiroki
775 KB
The purpose of this study was to clarify which teaching method could produce proactive, interactive, and deep learning, during an instrumental ensemble, and to assess the results of implementing such a program. We developed and presented the instrumental ensemble class plan based on the bottom up instruction method at two junior high schools. Data were collected by using a questionnaire and an M-GTA. We found that each student displayed a proactive learning attitude toward the music while maintaining an awareness of their own development areas and growth. Furthermore, the students showed an interactive learning attitude during collaborative activities by watching and listening to others while observing their performance in an effort to improve the quality of music , and learn through the class experience. In addition, we noticed an attitude that promoted deep learning whereby students attempted to solve problems and create music while utilizing what they learned from negative experiences. In addition, the bottom up instruction approach used during instrumental ensemble training was associated with originality, growth and the acceptance and awareness of others.