広島平和科学 Volume 5
published_at 1982

科学者の平和意識の構造 Ⅱ

Structure of peace attitudes of Japanese scientists, II
Nagai Hideaki
653 KB
In the preceding paper : 'Structure of Peace Attitudes of Japanese Scientists', we analysed the survey on the opinion for peace of Japanese scientists carried in 1978, and clarified the structure of their attitudes toward peace. In this paper as the continued one, it tries to analyse both Q 23 : 'the obstructive factors toward peace' and freely described opinions : 'the measures for realization of peace', which we could not analyse in the preceding paper. We make much of the freely described opinions written by 733 scientists, and analyse them, under the classification into the following categories : (a) international level, (b) national level, (c) nation wide citizens' movement level and (d) personal level. In the problems on international level that 4 16 scientists propose over 48 different items, we try to analyse them under the delailed classification into the following categories : (a1) international organization, (a2) international economy (a3) international cultural and personnel exchange, (a4) overcoming national boundaries and (a5) East-West relations and other proposals.