広島外国語教育研究 Issue 25
published_at 2022-03-01

Students’ Perceptions of the HyFlex Learning Model from Ukraine and Japan: A Realistic Future for University Language Learning?

ウクライナと日本の「Hyflex Learning Model」に対する学生の認識。大学での言語学習に現実的な未来はあるのか?
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テクノロジーの新たな発展により,教育者や教育機関は,言語学習クラスが学習者にどのように提供されるかを改善する機会を常に得ています。この10年で,革新的でより柔軟なオンライン/トラディショナルな学習環境が生まれました。Hyflex learning と呼ばれるこのモデルでは,各生徒がクラスへの参加方法を,同期または非同期のいずれかを選択することができます。新型コロナウイルス感染症の世界的な大流行による教育への影響がいまだに続いている中,本研究では,特にHyflex 学習モデルに焦点を当てて,オンライン学習に対する学生の態度を探ることを目的としています。今回の研究は,日本の広島とウクライナのキエフにある2つの大学で行われた調査結果に基づいています。調査の結果,両国の学生はHyflex 学習モデルへの参加に肯定的な態度を示しました。
New developments in technology have challenged educators and educational institutions to implement changes that will continue to improve the delivery of language learning classes to their learners. Although traditional face-to-face modes of delivery still dominate the language-learning process, new ways to deliver content within a course structure are constantly being investigated. Since the turn of the 21st century one learning template that has gained traction as providing the potential for an innovative and flexible approach is the HyFlex learning model. This format allows learners and instructors to choose how they participate in a course, either synchronously or asynchronously. The HyFlex learning model creates a learning template where students who cannot attend face-to-face or scheduled classes, can still participate fully in the course, including interaction with their peers. Additionally, with the enduring effects of a global pandemic still having far reaching and long-term effects on the educational process, this study aimed to explore student attitudes towards language learning with a particular focus on the HyFlex learning model. The research presented is based upon initial findings from two universities, one in Hiroshima, Japan and the other in Kyiv, Ukraine. The survey found that students in both countries were open to participation in a HyFlex learning model.
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