広島外国語教育研究 2 号
1999-03-31 発行

大学入試問題の比較研究 : 国立大学入試問題形式の推移について(1996-97)

A Comparative Study of National Universities' Entrance Examinations in Japan : Regarding a Shift in Test Designs (1996-1997)
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With a recent revision of high school curriculum in Japan, university entrance examinations are also expected to cope with different groups of learners with different knowledge and skill background. Considering that entrance examinations have always had great influence on teaching and learning English at high school levels in Japan, those involved in test production must be aware of this shift in curriculum design. The purpose of this interim project report is: 1) to compare the entrance examinations of national universities in Japan in the years of 1996 and 1997 and 2) to investigate and identify a change in organizing principles of developing test materials. Although no remarkable changes have been observed in the examinations in these two years, some favorable improvements have been identified.