音楽文化教育学研究紀要 Issue 32
published_at 2020-03-23

昭和33年学習指導要領改訂直後の実験学校における実践研究の方向性 : 東京学芸大学附属世田谷小学校と横浜国立大学附属鎌倉小学校に着目して

Direction of Practical Research at Experimental Schools Immediately after the 1963 Revision of the Course of Study (Music): Focusing on Setagaya Elementary School attached to Tokyo Gakugei University and Kamakura Elementary School attached to Yokohama National University
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After the 1958 Course of Study (Music) was announced, the government, local governments, and private organizations searched for model music education. This study sheds light on two Ministry of Education’s experimental schools: Setagaya Elementary School attached to Tokyo Gakugei University and Kamakura Elementary School attached to Yokohama National University. The Ministry of Education would have given research subjects to the experimental schools alongside revisions of the course of study. In addition, the experimental schools would have captured the Course of Study (Music) and research subjects as a practical site and have considered the model and problem of music education. This study clarifies how the Ministry of Education and the experimental schools interpreted music education at that time and how the results of practical research by the experimental schools influenced subsequent music education. The results of practical research at the experimental schools may have affected the 1968 Course of Study (Music) and current music education.
Special Number Commemorating the Retirement of Professor Mayumi Mimura