中学教育 : 研究紀要
53 巻
2024-03-31 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1344-1531
ONLINE ISSN : 2436-6641
発行元 : 広島大学附属東雲中学校
Study to improve the thought of the teacher to observe classes
PP. 1 - 10
Practice of teaching "Running Meros" based on literary experience: Aiming for "personalized and optimal learning" using ICT Individualized and Optimal Learning
岡本 恵里香 山元 隆春
PP. 11 - 24
A study on teaching methods to develop the sense of symmetry
PP. 25 - 34
PP. 35 - 44
A study on the effectiveness of GeoGebra in the junior high school mathematics classes
PP. 45 - 54
Development of teaching materials for mathematics deal with risks
PP. 55 - 62
A study on the effectiveness of the "Maru Moku" chart
PP. 63 - 71
Teaching practices are conscious of the connection between mathematics and science: the case example in density learning
龍岡 寛幸 嶋田 亘佑 本田 洸輔 磯﨑 哲夫
PP. 72 - 79
Lesson design for photosynthesis with the intention of fostering a view of science: From the viewpoint of 'Context' and Nature of Science
嶋田 亘佑 龍岡 寛幸 本田 洸輔 磯﨑 哲夫
PP. 80 - 85
Teaching about radiation in lower secondary science classes with reference to teaching about it in the United Kingdom: Focusing on the understanding of risks and benefits of radiation
本田 洸輔 龍岡 寛幸 嶋田 亘佑 磯﨑 哲夫
PP. 86 - 106
A report of creating interactive and collaborative classes to nurture students who think and express themselves: Through cross-curricular learning on the theme of “peace”
森澤 葉子 中島 義和
PP. 107 - 117
A Study on Effective Education Practicum for university students in a class for special needs students with intellectual disability
笹倉 美代 船橋 篤彦
PP. 118 - 122
Lesson planning of Develop ability to interact with others in junior high school special needs classes: Activities and Collaborative Learning Between Special Classes and Regular Classes in the life unit learning(Seikatsu Tangen Gakusyu)
高木 由希 若松 昭彦
PP. 123 - 129
A Practical Study on the Percussion Ensemble Used Batucada in the Special Support Class: Through the Interview with a Teacher and Practice Based on the Findings
松下 友紀 朝岡 寛史
PP. 130 - 141
Effects of class practice that recognizes strengths of self and others with the aim of reducing interpersonal tension: Through activities to think about situations where you can utilize your own and others' strengths
PP. 142 - 151
天野 秀樹 重本 優紀 松浦 武人 岡本 恵里香 山元 隆春 影山 和也 真野 祐輔 豊内 智仁 北臺 如法 沖坂 柚香 龍岡 寛幸 嶋田 亘佑 本田 洸輔 磯﨑 哲夫 森澤 葉子 中島 義和 笹倉 美代 船橋 篤彦 高木 由希 若松 昭彦 松下 友紀 朝岡 寛史 後藤 美由紀 森田 愛子 中條 和光
PP. -