Development and practice of junior high school history learning to visualize historical culture by describing the concept of "Castle & Vallum": as a spiral curriculum of first order, second order, and third order concepts
Study on teaching method to improve judgement to look at the design as figures: With the interview investigation that I carried out to junior high school students
Study on the thinking of junior high school students to judge the truth of the reverse proposition: Based on the investigation of learners and mathematics teachers
Possibility of mathematics classes on the learning diversity: Through collaborative learning of different grades, with students in special support classes
A Consideration on Classes to Cultivate the Ability to Value and Communicate with Oneself and Others. Through learning Japanese in a junior high school special needs class
Lesson planning with Facilitation in junior high school special support classes: I nitiation to promote proactive learning in the life unit learning (Seikatsu-Tangen-Gakusyu)