中学教育 : 研究紀要
52 巻
2023-03-31 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1344-1531
ONLINE ISSN : 2436-6641
発行元 : 広島大学附属東雲中学校
Development and practice of junior high school history learning to visualize historical culture by describing the concept of "Castle & Vallum": as a spiral curriculum of first order, second order, and third order concepts
玉井 慎也 高松 尚平
PP. 1 - 15
Study on the significance to learn a Pythagorean theorem: With an interview survey targeting junior high school students
PP. 16 - 27
Study on teaching method to improve judgement to look at the design as figures: With the interview investigation that I carried out to junior high school students
PP. 28 - 41
Study on the thinking of junior high school students to judge the truth of the reverse proposition: Based on the investigation of learners and mathematics teachers
PP. 42 - 49
Frame work to catch the children’s thinking in the function teaching
PP. 50 - 56
Possibility of mathematics classes on the learning diversity: Through collaborative learning of different grades, with students in special support classes
PP. 57 - 67
A consideration of developing tasks across different mathematical domains
豊内 智仁 真野 祐輔
PP. 68 - 73
Science teaching using history of science: with a focus on understanding the Nature of Science
嶋田 亘佑 龍岡 寛幸 本田 洸輔 磯﨑 哲夫
PP. 74 - 85
A Study on the Results of Long-Distance Races Classes in Health and Physical Education of Junior High School
原田 央 岩田 昌太郎
PP. 86 - 91
English Classes to Deepen International Understanding
小林 梨絃乃 松宮 奈賀子
PP. 92 - 96
A Consideration on Classes to Cultivate the Ability to Value and Communicate with Oneself and Others. Through learning Japanese in a junior high school special needs class
井上 美由紀 若松 昭彦
PP. 97 - 108
Lesson planning with Facilitation in junior high school special support classes: I nitiation to promote proactive learning in the life unit learning (Seikatsu-Tangen-Gakusyu)
高木 由希 村上 理絵
PP. 109 - 113
Influence of activity to find each other's strengths on relaxation of interpersonal tension in junior high school students
PP. 114 - 120
玉井 慎也 高松 尚平 天野 秀樹 真野 祐輔 影山 和也 北臺 如法 松浦 武人 豊内 智仁 嶋田 亘佑 龍岡 寛幸 本田 洸輔 磯﨑 哲夫 原田 央 岩田 昌太郎 小林 梨絃乃 松宮 奈賀子 井上 美由紀 若松 昭彦 高木 由希 村上 理絵 後藤 美由紀 森田 愛子 中條 和光
PP. -