広島大学水畜産学部紀要 16 巻 1 号
1977-08-20 発行

イボイモリ(Tylototriton andersoni) の発生

On the Development of Tylototriton andersoni
宇都宮 泰明
宇都宮 妙子
5.72 MB
The development of Tylototriton andersoni was described by comparing with those of Cynops pyrrhogaster pyrrhogaster, and C. p. ensicauda. The determination of the developmental stages was made in accordance with those of C. p. pyrrhogaster (Okada and Ichikawa, 1947).

The fertilized eggs of Tylototriton andersoni were 3.0~3.2 mm in diameter. Each of them was enveloped in a spherical jelly capsule which consisted of three concentric layers. The eggs were light yellowish-brown in the animal hemisphere, while yellowish in the vegetal one.

The eggs of Tylototriton andersoni develop more rapidly than those of Cynops pyrrhogaster ensicauda in the embryonic and larval stages while they are somewhat slower than the eggs of C. p. pyrrhogaster in developmental velocity during the period from the cleavage to the early neurula. After this period, they develop more rapidly than the latter.

The embryos and larvae of Tylototriton andersoni are especially different from those of Cynops p. pyrrhogaster and C. p. ensicauda in the following respects. (1) The outlines of an optic vesicle and the pupil appear more slowly. (2) The balancer is ill developed. (3) The belly of a tail-bud embryo is spherical, due to a large content of yolk. (4) The external gills are well developed and comblike. (5) The dorsal dermal fin arises approximately from the middle of the body (trunk). (6) The hind-limb bud appears more earlier. (7) The costal folds appear at the two-toed stage. (8) The rudiment of the fifth finger appears later. (9) The rudiments of various cephalic organs are more conspicuous in outlines. (10) A dermal swelling covering of the heart region is more conspicuous.