6 巻
1 号
1965-12-20 発行
PP. -
Asakawa Suezo
PP. 1 - 5
コーライキジ♂とニワトリ♀の属間雑種における一対の卵管及び卵巣につ いて
Watanabe Moriyuki
PP. 7 - 15
Nakamura Tsunenori
PP. 17 - 20
牛乳のクエン酸lこ関する研究 第5報 : 牛乳のクエン酸含量lこ及 ぼす搾乳の影響
Anagama Yuzo Kami Takayasu
PP. 21 - 24
Fujii Shunsaku Tamura Tatsudo Kunisaki Hakaru
PP. 25 - 35
うずらの卵管の組織学的観察, とくに子宮部の色素(Porphyrin) について
Tamura Tatsudo Fujii Shunsaku Kunisaki Hakaru Yamane Mitsuhiro
PP. 37 - 57
Ladino clover 茎葉中のCarotene 含量に及ぼすAge(Stolon上の位置)の影響
Takasaki Tetsunosuke
PP. 59 - 67
Ikeda Minoru Tsubota Junichi
PP. 69 - 76
A note on the fishing ground for the spring skipjack fishing in the vicinity of Shiono-misaki, Wakayama Prefecture
西川 定一
PP. 77 - 84
On primary production in the Seto Inland Sea I : Primary production and hydrographic condition
遠藤 拓郎
PP. 85 - 100
On primary production in the Seto Inland Sea II : Primary production and plankton
弘田 禮一郎 遠藤 拓郎
PP. 101 - 132
Studies on the physiology and ecology of Porphyra tenera
岩崎 英雄
PP. 133 - 211
Distribution of vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Seto Inland Sea I : On the survey in summer
浅川 末三
PP. 213 - 221
Distribution of vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Seto Inland Sea II : On the survey in winter
浅川 末三
PP. 223 - 228
On the "KOMAKIBA" (cattles grazing on the afforestated land)
佐々木 富三 高田 昭夫
PP. 229 - 279
Fundamental studies on the digestion in the domestic fowl I : Observations on the place of deposition of the bolus and the movements of gizzard
大谷 勲
PP. 281 - 295
Chore labour study in relation to dairy cattle management systems
吉本 伝 三村 耕 藤井 信也
PP. 297 - 311
An opinion on the forecast of fishing grounds and on the fundamental sea states from the water temperature distribution in the neighboring sea of Japan
松平 康雄
PP. 313 - 321