学習開発学研究 5 号
2012-03-31 発行

教員養成教育のこれからを考える : 德永保氏の提言を受けて

Considering the Teacher Education Program from now on : With Mr. Tamotsu Tokunaga's Argument
565 KB
This paper considers several problems regarding teacher education program from now on through the argument presented at a lecture at Hiroshima University in 2011 by Mr. Tamotsu Tokunaga, the Director-General of National Institute for Education Policy Research in Japan. The following points were discussed: 1) teacher education must be carried on at university under the high level "research" about the teacher education program, 2) teacher's competence to perform a new type of wholistic learning should be the ends of teacher education program, 3) the "practical pedagogy" including learning science, in which educational sciences, psychology and the research of curriculum and instruction are merged each other, could be the main direction of teacher education program from now on. It was emphasized in this paper that only practicum is not enough and the aspect of "research" for teacher education program is quite important. However, the significance of the "research" should be understood as "practical pedagogy" which is different from traditional disciplines in terms of sciences of education. Finally, the growth strategies of graduate school of education, particularly considering the case of Hiroshima University, were suggested. This paper also tried to present a new style of research which would be regarded as a kind of action research where the research object was teacher education program.
Teacher education program
Practical pedagogy
Growth strategies
Copyright (c) 2012 広島大学大学院教育学研究科学習開発学講座