広島大学マネジメント研究 Issue 5
published_at 2005-03-19

匿名掲示板に名誉を毀損する書き込みがあり,それを掲示板管理人が削除しなかったことに違法性が認められ,慰謝料・損害賠償請求が認められた事件(2ちゃんねる対動物病院事件) : 東京地判平成14年6月26日判決(http://www.law.co.jp/cases/2chdohos2.htm) <判例研究>

The incident in which solatium payment and reparations payment duty was imposed since the administrator of the guest book board did not delete the text when a third person entered the text which libels others anonymously in a guest book board in the internet : Tokyo District Court June 26, 2002
Matsukawa Mika
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