This study examines the principles on which the resultant-state verb forms are used in Japanese and Korean. The past tense and resultant-state forms of verb in a collection of Korean-Japanese bilingual scenarios were analyzed in order to find out the correspondence between Japanese –teiru, and Korean past and resultant-state forms. The results showed the resultant-state form is used in both languages under the following conditions: 1) when the speaker wants to convey that “it is p” to the hearer, who thinks that “it is not p but q”; 2) when the speaker conveys the information “p” which is unknown to the hearer; and 3) when the speaker expresses the result of a change of state he/she has just observed, and this change was unexpected: that is, the speaker expects the state to be p. but it is q and ‒p. However, the past tense form is used for –teiru in Korean if there is no discrepancy between the speaker’s expectation and the fact he/she has just discovered. The Japanese resultant-state form is used when “there is no understanding of moment of change or the state before and after change” (Inoue et al. 2002), irrespective of whether there is deviation of recognition or not. However, it can be concluded that the resultant-state form in Korean is used when there is “a deviation between the speaker’s recognition and hearer’s recognition (or the state in front of his/her eyes)”.