広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 66
published_at 2017-12-22

高等学校工業科教員を対象とした計測・制御技術 教育に関する指導能力向上を目指した研修の検討

Training to Improve Teaching Skill on Measurement and Control Technology Education for Industrial Education Teachers at Technical High Schools
Ohnishi Yoshihiro
1.23 MB
Industrial high schools need to incorporate new educational content and methods to respond to changes in industrial structure and progress in science and technology. Because the expertise and skills required in the industry are becoming more sophisticated, it is also necessary to review the training of teachers. Therefore, in this study, we examined training for teachers at technical high schools who were aiming to acquire the basic expertise and skills related to the “measurement and control” used in the industry. In addition, the evaluation was conducted by questionnaire before and after the training. The evaluation showed that teachers were interested in the “measurement and control” technology education provided by this training, and many commented that they wanted to use it in their classes. From these results, the effectiveness of the training content and the teaching materials were confirmed.
Measurement and Control
Industrial Education
Technical High School
Teaching Material