広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 Issue 62
published_at 2013-12-20

児童の読書力形成に果たす読書日記の役割 : 小学校3年生における読書日記の交流とその分析を中心に

Role of Reading Diary that Play to Force the Formation of Reading Children : The center over to the exchange and analysis of reading diary in third grade elementary school over
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In Hoso (2013), summarizes the results of went one year in third grade elementary school teaching of reading diary based think of author to "reading power", improved "Recording reading life" Omura. By continuing the rubric the teacher according to the individual against reading diary of children, many of the reading ability to think of the author have been formed. At the same time, by or to display or storytelling reading diary for children classes, ties between child through the book has come to be performed. In this paper, focusing on exchanges that each other to read friends reading diary that was redlines so that the comment for class not only to the individual, what reading power under the influence of friends children of third grade elementary school I want to consider whether went wearing.
reading diary
reading power