広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 Issue 56
published_at 2007-12-28

コミュニケーション学習のための演劇 : 対話劇教材の検討

Drama for Communication Learning : An analysis of the drama teaching material
Taniguchi Naotaka
385 KB
The decline in communication ability has become serious social issues in the modern society where the diversification of individuality and sense of values is pointed out. In such a social context, learning to improve communication ability came to be claimed in the national language education. The communication learning in the national language education is done through various activities centering on "speaking and hearing". Now in this communication learning, a new material of drama has become in the spotlight. The drama including the communication learning has been established as a subject or an education method in foreign countries. Though the elements of drama can be seen in education in Japan, it is difficult to say that drama has been established as a subject and an education method. This thesis considers the possibility of the drama as the communication learning and the cause of current situation that the communication learning has not settled in the education in Japan, especially in the subject education through the analysis of the drama teaching material in the textbook now in use. It also proposes a point of view from the frame of learning to improve communication ability to the drama.