Hiroshima Peace Science
Volume 28
Date of Issue:2006
current number
PRINT ISSN : 0386-3565
ONLINE ISSN : 2434-9135
Publisher : The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University
Tatuo Morito's theory of peace
PP. 1 - 25
A study on education about the method to be a peace builder : By the investigation of peace consciousness of junior high school students
PP. 27 - 44
A directory of electronic images of hand-written manuscripts of Sankichi Toge <Research Note>
Matsuo Masatsugu
PP. 45 - 62
The role of assistance in "confidence building" and "reconciliation" for Palestine
Abe Toshiya Shinoda Hideaki
PP. 63 - 80
The negotiation among King Aleksandar and opposition leaders in 1934 : The last attempt of consolidating the South Slav nation state through Monarchist dictatorship
PP. 81 - 112
Matsuo Masatsugu Bektorov Yerzhan Muldagaliyev Talgat Apsalikov Kazbek Hirabayashi Kyoko Kawano Noriyuki
PP. 135 - 154