This paper is aimed at considering the significance and contents of education for builders of a peaceful nation and society based on the investigation of peace consciousness of junior high school students. It prescribes education about method to be a peace builder with “education to form knowledge, attitude and skill to be a peace builder". Firstly I describe some viewpoints to consider education about the method to be a builder of a peaceful nation and society and next describe peace consciousness of junior high school students from precedent investigation. I analyze a result of peace consciousness investigation for second grade junior high school students that I have performed in 2006. From a result of my investigation, I consider the necessity of education about the method to be a builder of a peaceful nation and society. According to my investigation, contribution will of junior high students for peace building is considerably high and many of them want to study about peace builders. However, 600f students who want to contribute to peace building answered, “I do not know how to contribute to peace building." It could be recognized that education about the method to be a peace builder has not been practiced widely with the fact of a little knowledge of the students about peace builders. Based upon the result of my investigation, the necessity that pushes forward education about the method to be peace builders has become clear.