Hiroshima Peace Science
Volume 27
Date of Issue:2005
current number
PRINT ISSN : 0386-3565
ONLINE ISSN : 2434-9135
Publisher : The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University
The deplomacy of the Pacific islands forum toward ASEAN : The meaning of forum's
PP. 1 - 22
A consideration of the 'Asian Character" in Asian regionalism : With the focus on the ADB fundation process
Jeong Kyong-ah
PP. 23 - 46
On the role of rule of law in conflict and post-conflict societies : An analysis of peace-building in Bosnia and Herzegovina with special reference to the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Report
Shinoda Hideaki
PP. 47 - 68
National question and parliamentary government in the first Yugoslavia from 1923 to 1924
PP. 69 - 116
Unit plan "Considering the United Nations" : A study on the development of a junior high school civics sourse (2)
Ikeno Norio Takenaka Nobuo Tanaka Noboru Nikaido Toshie Nyu Eiji
PP. 137 - 154
GMO conflict between patent protection and farmers' privilege : A Schmeiser v. Monsanto Case (2)
Hiraki Takayuki
PP. 155 - 188