22 巻
2000 発行
PRINT ISSN : 0386-3565
ONLINE ISSN : 2434-9135
発行元 : 広島大学平和センター
Conflicts over the Writing System : Toward a Theory of Script Conflict
松尾 雅嗣
PP. 75 - 114
Idealism and Realism in Nuclear Disarmament Proposals : Unsolved Issues of the Tokyo Forum Report
水本 和実
PP. 115 - 135
International Assistance in Domestic Elections in the Post-Cold War Era
篠田 英朗
PP. 137 - 177
The Development of the Theory of Peace Education after the War : A Sociological Analysis
PP. 179 - 200
A Study on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Declaration 1999, as Seen through Inquiries, for Chinese Students in Chiba Institute of Technology
小林 文男 柴田 巌
PP. 201 - 234
On ""RESERVATIONS"" : As a Factor to Diminish the Effectiveness of Human Rights Treaties (continued)
小寺 初世子
PP. 235 - 254
The New Horizon of IR Theory and World Sociology : Rebecca Grant and Kathleen Newland (eds.), Gender and International Relations (Open University Press in association with Millennium, 1991, xii 176p.) [Book Review]
澤田 眞治
PP. 255 - 277