Hiroshima Peace Science
Volume 21
Date of Issue:1998
current number
PRINT ISSN : 0386-3565
ONLINE ISSN : 2434-9135
Publisher : The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University
The South Pacific Forum and Nuclear Issues: The Development after the Signing of the South Pacific Nulcear Free Zone Treaty
PP. 1 - 22
The evolution of Burmese socialism : Restructuring the ailing economy after the transfer of power in 1974
Nishizawa Nobuyoshi
PP. 49 - 71
Intellectural skills' in Japanese parts and components industry in Malaysia
PP. 73 - 99
National minority issues in the East-West relations in Europe in the Cold War era : The role of Yugoslavia in the CSCE/OSCE human rights regime
Miyawaki Noboru
PP. 151 - 170
From exceptional individual decision to social welfare : Conscientious objection in the Federal Republic of Germany
Ichikawa Hiromi
PP. 171 - 189
On 'Reservations' : As a factor to deminish the effectiveness of human rights treaties
Kodera Sayoko
PP. 191 - 225
The meaning of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Krombach Hayo
PP. 227 - 238
A study on Chinese students' view of Hiroshima, as seen through inquiries for Chinese students in Chiba Institute of Technology
Kobayashi Fumio Shibata Iwao
PP. 239 - 272
Discussing war responsibility and the atomic bomb : Public discourse and peace museums in comtemporary Japan
Selta Daniel Matsuo Masatsugu
PP. 273 - 301