Hiroshima Peace Science
Volume 16
Date of Issue:1993
current number
PRINT ISSN : 0386-3565
ONLINE ISSN : 2434-9135
Publisher : The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University
The Korean victims of atomic bomb
Nakatsuji Keiji
PP. 1 - 40
A study on differences between Hiroshima and Nagasaki as seen through questionnaires, concerning 'Peace Declarations' delivered in 1993 : For 311 members of Hiroshima University students.
Kobayashi Fumio Hashimoto Manabu Shibata Iwao
PP. 41 - 84
On the dissemination of treaties (Report of a survey) : In case of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Kodera Sayoko
PP. 85 - 108
American women workers' education in the 1930s
Tamura Keiko
PP. 109 - 128
Language of work and language conflict (1)
Matsuo Masatsugu
PP. 129 - 155
Regional approach of the SPF countries to climate change : Focus SPREP
PP. 157 - 174
Shono Naomi Matuo Masatsugu Kaneko Kumao
PP. 175 - 204