広島外国語教育研究 Issue 27
published_at 2024-03-01

Exploring the Impact of Technology Decisions in English Language Speaking Courses

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In the academic year starting in April 2023, language teachers at Hiroshima University had a variety of options available in the way that they delivered courses. An important decision was whether to teach classes through videoconferencing software (Zoom) or to teach in person in a classroom. Another decision to be made was how and when to use the university’s learning management system (LMS), Moodle, in relation to the classes.
In this article, we summarize the way that we taught our 16-week English language courses to students in the first half of the 2023 academic year and analyze students’ responses to the use of the LMS and videoconferencing. All the authors used the same core materials in the form of a textbook and LMS tasks connected to it. However, the means of delivery ranged from a fully online course using the LMS and Zoom to mixed courses involving some videoconferencing classes and some in-person classes.
In relation to the findings, all the authors continued to use the technology that they used during the COVID-19 pandemic when they had delivered fully online courses. However, the way they used these technologies tended to vary. In addition, the results of the questionnaire survey indicate that as groups, students tend to support the decisions of their teacher. Also, one reason why they like videoconferencing classes is because they realize the importance of developing skills in online communication.
2023年4月から始まる年度において,広島大学の語学教員は,授業の提供方法について多様な選択肢を用意していた。その中で重要なのは授業の実施方法であり,ビデオ会議ソフト(Zoom)を使用した遠隔授業か,教室での対面授業かというオプションである。また,大学の学習管理システム(LMS)であるMoodle を,いつ,どのように活用するかについても判断を下さなければならなかった。
本稿では,2023年度前期16週間の英語コースで学生を教えた方法をまとめ,LMS とビデオ会議の利用に対する学生の反応を分析する。すべての著者は,教科書とそれに関連するLMS 上の課題からなる同一の主教材を使用した。しかし,授業の実施方法は様々で,LMS とZoom を使用した完全なオンラインコースもあれば,ビデオ会議と対面授業を組み合わせた混合コースも存在した。
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