72 巻
2012-12-25 発行
ISSN : 1347-7013
発行元 : 広島大学大学院文学研究科
Rājaśekhara's Verses in Kṣemendra's Treatise on Poetics
山崎 一穂
PP. 13 - 34
The Tatara-steel Manufacture and Hanmai-Rice for the Workers in the Early Modern Era : Focusing on the Tanabes' Yomai-Rice in Izumo Country
中山 富広
PP. 35 - 54
テクスト種ウィット : 認知、言語習得、コミュニケーション
PP. 55 - 74
Personifikation in den Fabeln der Aufklärung (2) : Eine vergleichende Betrachtung zwischen Lessing und Samuel Richardson
PP. 75 - 88
L'Étranger de Camus et « Le Mur » de Sartre
PP. 89 - 102
Zur Extraktion aus Nominalphrasen
PP. 117 - 136
Le statut et l'éthos de l'énonciateur dans La Vérité en marche de Zola
PP. 137 - 158
L'édition de 1635, ou la «soeur germaine» de l'édition de 1595 des Essais de Montaigne
PP. 159 - 179
Changes in the Public Bus Industry and in Financial Support for Local Bus Lines in Defieit in Japan
田中 健作
PP. 181 - 195
A Study on Hamamatsu Chunagon Monogatari in the Nakanishi Collection of the Osaka Prefectural Nakanoshima Library
赤迫 照子
PP. 111 - 128
A Study of Yukio MISHIMA “Bitoku No Yoromeki" : An Examination of the Boom“Yoromeki(Flirting)"
中元 さおり
PP. 93 - 110
Research on the Treatment Expressions System in Chioninzo daito-sanzo-genjo-houshi-hyoukei heiansyoki-ten(知恩院蔵大唐三蔵玄奘法師表啓平安初期点)
PP. 77 - 91
A Complete Translation of Yaemugura-Monogatari (Part Ⅲ)
PP. 57 - 75
A Chronological Record of Narushima Nobuyuki's Career (13)
PP. 39 - 55
A Research Trend in Information Network of Traffic Route in Early Modern Times : On the Area between Osaka(大坂)and Kyushu
鴨頭 俊宏
PP. 21 - 37
Money Circulation in Kyoto of the Oda Government : Formation of the “Kokudaka" System and a Standard Coin “Bita"
PP. 1 - 20