The Hiroshima University studies, Graduate School of Letters
Volume 71
Date of Issue:2011-12-26
current number
ISSN : 1347-7013
Publisher : Graduate School of Letters, Hiroshima University
未来について考える : テクスト種ウィットを手がかりにして
PP. 1 - 13
Hypochondrie und Medizin in der sächsischen Komödie
PP. 15 - 28
『ダブルビジョン』におけるウォルター・アビッシュの文学的戦略 : ポストモダンとホロコーストとの観点から
PP. 29 - 41
Die Morphosyntax der Wortstellungsvariationen
PP. 43 - 72
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and Blade Runner : Androids as a Representation of African Americans
PP. 73 - 85
Tokai Maiko
PP. 87 - 98
Transformation of Underdeveloped Regions in India, the Emerging Economic Power : A Study of the Uttarakhand State
PP. 99 - 110
A Study on Japanese Reading Word (訓読語) of Chu-in High Priest Meizan (中院僧正明算) (Ⅱ) : End of a sentence expression of Myo-ho-ren-ge-kyo Meizan Ten (妙法蓮華経明算点)
PP. 53 - 74
A Complete Translation of Yaemugura-Monogatari (Part I)
PP. 33 - 51
Michiyo NAGAYO (formerly OKADA), a Woman Writer in Hiroshima (2) : A Study on Outline of Her Works
PP. 17 - 32
The Japanese Imperial Guards and the Ancient Horse Race (競馬)
Saitou Takumi
PP. 1 - 15