This report describes “a change in honorific expressions in conversation system" for Chionin-zo daito-sanzo-genjo-houshi-hyoukei heiansyoki-ten(知恩院蔵大唐三蔵玄奘法師表啓平安初期点). As a result of examination, it was recognized that many auxiliary verb used for Japanese sentences in the Heian era and that a grammatical change in honorific expressions in conversation by auxiliary verbs was extremely few phenomena. In contrast, the change in honorific expressions in conversation used in this document prove that a lexical change in honorific expressions in conversation was central. In addition, I understand that a change existed, in honorific expressions in conversation that was characteristic of the above table text to be presented to the throne by the influence of the original classical Chinese. It was a change in honorific expressions in conversation at a phrase, a sentence, the sentence level, and it was admitted that such a change in honorific expressions in conversation was a characteristic of the kundoku word of the above table text to be presented to the throne.