広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属特別支援教育実践センター研究紀要 Issue 18
published_at 2020-03-01


How much do college students know about developmental disabilities, and what do they think about reasonable accommodations?
Yoshitomi Munehisa
Tsushima Yasuko
1.09 MB
This study aimed to clarify the impressions college students have of developmental disabilities; it also examined the extent of their knowledge of this topic and their perspectives regarding reasonable accommodations for these disabilities. A questionnaire related to these topics was implemented. A high ratio of respondents selected choices such as“ active” and“ obedient” to convey their impressions, indicating that many college students see developmental disabilities in a favorable light. Regarding knowledge, the respondents answered 7 of the 10 questions correctly more than 80% of the time, indicating that they had a certain amount of awareness about the topic. However, the study also showed that some of the students had an incorrect understanding of some of the fundamental and crucial aspects of these disabilities, such as whether they can be cured or whether they are caused by the parenting environment during childhood. Regarding reasonable accommodations, over 90% of respondents agreed with 6 of the 8 items, indicating that the majority approved of these measures. However, regarding the provision of reasonable accommodation, a larger number selected “cannot say one way or the other” when these measures had a direct effect on evaluations. If considerations that are easy for regular college students to accept could be implemented, it would make the provision of assistance measures to students with developmental disabilities easier, as well as contribute to developing an attitude of support provision, when necessary, among the general student body.
college students
developmental disabilities
reasonable accommodation