広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属特別支援教育実践センター研究紀要 Issue 15
published_at 2017-03-14

交流及び共同学習の推進に向けた環境整備 : インクルーシブ教育システムの構築を目指して

Environment Improvement for Promoting Exchange Activities and Collaborative Learning: Building the Inclusive Education System
Nozaki Hitomi
365 KB
The field of the Exchange Activities and Collaborative Learning is one of the key approaches to promote the Inclusive Education System. Although many research studies on this topic have been conducted, the following problems “awareness and understanding of partner schools,” “counterpart schools’ preparedness of accepting students with disabilities,” and “understanding of students with disabilities by regular classroom teachers and students” still remain, which are the issues of common understanding between regular classroom teachers and students who exchange. Particularly, the causes of limited common understanding among faculty members include (a) lack of meeting time, (b) limited accumulation of strategies to teach this field due to staff reassignment, (c) difficulty with securing the number of classes at the counterpart school, and (d) the limited exchange opportunities among faculty members. This leads to the difficulty of grasping individual needs of students with disabilities and without disabilities who exchange each other. Therefore, the current study summarizes how to improve school environment to promote the Exchange Activities and Collaborative Learning aimed at constructing the Inclusive Education System by analyzing good practices of the Exchange Activities and Collaborative Learning and related lesson practices that have been carried out. As the result, it was found to be important to promote strong collaboration among teachers beyond the type of schools in order to better grasp educational needs of students, to lead collaboration and consultation among different stakeholders such as teachers, specialists, parents and students, and community members. It was also found to be important to enhance utilization of cooperation to implement practical research studies and exchange via a cooperation model which fits with the current status of the Exchange Activities and Collaborative Learning conducted locally.
Exchange Activities and Collaborative Learning
Inclusive Education System
environment improvement
reasonable accommodation