The aim of this study is to develop a quality of life (QOL) evaluation method based on engagement and performance for children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities in a formative activities class. QOL in relation to formative activities in this study is defined as children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities being able to perform activities in a highly motivated manner, and maximize their abilities through involvement with the people around them, by using the educational materials and instructional tools unique to formative activities. A rubric was created with constructional elements that included their engagement and performance. For enhancing reliability and validity, QOL was assessed based on 11 procedures video-recorded during the formative activities in an art class, and digitizing the children’s QOL conditions per class. For verifying the QOL evaluation method, the author conducted the Action Research thrice at a multiple disabilities class in the elementary division of a special needs school. Then, the homeroom teacher and the author evaluated four children’s QOL conditions and measured their agreement. The concordance correlation coefficient was calculated by “weighted κ for multiple categories.” Hence, the QOL evaluation method is effective in measuring the children’s actual QOL conditions.